
  • It Ends Tonight

    "It ends tonight because tomorrow everything will change." Gwen turned to Arthur and smiled sadly. "You're right. Tomorrow, Camelot will have a new queen. One that's worthy of her title." [New summary!] [Arthur/Hermione] Crossover of Harry Potter and BBC's Merlin.

  • Count Every Moment

    -It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash, it happens in the time you took to look back...- Post-war oneshots; all canon couples. H/G, R/Hr, D/A, N/H, etc.

  • Going Steady

    "It's a Muggle term for..." she gestured loosely, face flushed. "For...?" he questioned, moving closer, close enough for their breaths to mingle. "For...being in a relationship." He smirked. "Didn't know you cared so much, Granger." Fred/Hermione

  • Masquerade

    At the end of her sixth year at Hogwarts, Lily Evans was kissed by a mysterious boy at Hogwarts' Masquerade party. A whole summer has passed, and she still has no idea who he was. She wants to know, and she'll do anything to find out. L/J, Sirius/OC

  • Mark of Evil

    He was a marked man, he always had been. The Dark Mark was no different, although this time, instead of it being a mark of depression and angst, it was a mark of evil. - Snape-centric drabble. Response to the "Vivid Characters/Scenes in 100 Words or Less" challenge on HPFC.

  • Power of Love

    "Stay with me." he said simply, and my heart did a backflip. - Andromeda/Ted. M for cursing and dark themes.

  • No Regrets

    Just what went through Petunia Dursley's mind when she opened the door and found her nephew on the doorstep? How did she decide to take him in? - 'Letters,' Petunia thought irreverently. Didn't wizards know the magic of a telephone? -

  • The Third of May

    A series of firsts in the form of drabbles for Fred Weasley and Hermione Granger, all happening on May 3rd. For the "One Day Competition" on HPFC.

  • To Be Great

    Albus Severus Potter and his Sorting - just what did the Sorting Hat decide for the second son of the famous Harry Potter?

  • Don't Be Ridiculous

    "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were worried about me." His eyes twinkled mirthfully. Lily scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous." she said, avoiding his gaze. Because then, you know, that would mean he couldn't see her bright red face. L/J Oneshot. T for light language and sexual references.

  • A Hero's Reward

    "Yes Harry, your greatest desire was to have the parents you never knew," said the spirit of Dumbledore, stepping out of the shadows. "And now that you have completed your destiny and defeated Voldemort, you have received that desire."

  • The Potions Master: Take Two

    In which there was no Wizarding War, so Lily and James were never murdered, Harry writes home to his mum and dad to tell them about his first week at Hogwarts. Naturally, when they learn about Snape, they take matters into their own hands.

  • Don't Run Away

    Draco Malfoy is incapable of fading into anonymity. Who knew overhearing some stupid taunts about Luna Lovegood would eventually lead to befriending and shagging Harry Potter? Inspired by an Instagram post!

  • Diamond in the Rough

    "So let me get this straight. You stole a magic jewel from an Egyptian pyramid, didn't read anything about it, and now we're stuck in 1977?" Hermione asked. "Sounds about right." Fred nodded. "And here I thought I'd have a normal life after the war." She sighed. "Just great." T for safety. Might go up.

  • Brave New World

    "Our world has been wrought with war for decades. It's time a time to heal the innocent, mourn the lost, and punish the guilty." My take on the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War, with adjustments. Details inside. Rated M because of later mature content.

  • How to Seduce Hermione Granger

    George has dared his twin to seduce Hermione, and, being Fred, he can't back down from a dare. However, when real feelings begin to appear, can he keep up with the game he's begun, or will he be stuck in a stalemate? High Teen Rating - you have been warned. Hermione/Fred with Harry/Ginny and George/OC. Will contain swearing and sexual tension.

  • Brothers in Arms

    "He sacrificed himself. For me." Fred choked, staring down at his brother's lifeless form. "Oh, Perce, why?" - In an effort to make up for his mistakes, Percy sacrifices himself for Fred. - AU BattleofHogwarts.

  • Caramel Confessors

    Fred and George's latest invention, Caramel Confessors, are a hit for both girls and boys on Valentine's Day. But what happens when Hermione ends up eating one, and is forced to confess her feelings for a certain Weasley twin? Fred/Hermione - contains mature content.

  • Howl

    The wolf's howl can mean two things - unity or destruction. Remus howled a total of two times in his life. First, when his pack of friends came together. Second, when they were torn apart. - Response to the Vivid Characters/Scenes in 100 Words or Less on HPFC [second response]

  • Spread Your Wings

    "I want you to spread your wings and make your mark. I want you to achieve greatness." - Hermione's mother sends her away to Hogwarts with these lasting words of wisdom. Response to the Wings prompt on the Vivid Characters/Scenes in 100 Words or Less on HPFC.