

  • Tekoposis Bradus

    Rinnie wanted humor, adventure, and mystery; Harry with a Slytherin side; snarky, possessive Snape futilely fighting temptation; and Snape on the trail of the student stealing ingredients from his stores who he knows is after Harry. HPSS slash!

  • But, For My Own Part, It Was Greek to Me

    Snape came out of hiding to find a cure for his mother, but found something else entirely. SS/HP

  • Just Desserts

    Severus' lover demands he make a romantic gesture, so he decides on one that will ensure he is never asked to do so again. 2. Valentine's Day was supposed to be of red posies and heart-shaped offerings, kisses and love-filled promises. Not like this. SSHP

  • Invitations and Intentions

    Snape wants something from her. Hermione doesn't know what it is, but she's determined to find out. SS/HG. EWE, PWP.

  • Memory and Choice

    Severus makes a difficult choice and has to live with the memory of it. SS/HP, bit of SS/DM.

  • Over Tea

    Severus and Albus have their weekly tea.

  • Echo

    Something from Severus' past is holding him back. SSHP warnings inside

  • Light of Day

    Years after the battle, on a dark and stormy night, a dead man shows up on Harry's doorstep. Prompt from Snarry-a-thon 2017: #28 - Voldemort, in his final battle with Harry, used the Dark Mark to suck magic from his Death Eaters. Now, all his inner circle are reduced to near-Squib status. HP/SS

  • Cracked

    A TOP GEAR (UK) oneshot. James has been watching Jeremy. Jeremy has finally noticed. J/J pre-slash.

  • With our Fortunes Change

    Sent to an uncertain future by a faulty spell, Harry and Severus find themselves back in familiar territory – at Hogwarts. Now, they just need to work together long enough to figure out how to get back to the lives they were torn away from.

  • Folie à Deux

    Written as a gift for Torino 10154 for the Snarry Holidays. I took Torino's prompt of 'meet the family' and ran with it.

  • The Plant

    Neville turns over a plant to Harry and explains that the plant told him it was Severus Snape. Harry probably should’ve listened. HP/SS

  • Speechless

    Nine months after the final battle, Harry discovers Snape in St. Mungo’s, still suffering from a curse. The healers are doing anything but their jobs, so Harry takes it on himself to rehabilitate the man he’s learning to respect. SS/HP

  • My Name is Cameron Sage

    Things are going poorly for the side of the light, and in a last-ditch effort to fulfill his destiny, Harry goes back in time to try again. SSHP

  • Property of the HalfBlood Prince

    During his sixth year, Harry becomes very attached to the previous owner of his Potions text, but what will happen when he finds out who it really is? SSHP

  • Safe House

    Set after just OotP. When both their lives are in greater than usual danger, Harry and Snape must live together in a secret location all summer for their own safety. How will they survive it? Simple—they’ll just have to get to know each other. SSHP