

  • you shouted go (and it was both a blessing and a curse)

    Barely two days after the dragon falls dead into the lake Bilbo stumbles and the Arkenstone is found upon his person. Thorin banishes him, commanding his nephews to escort the thief out of his kingdom and out to the road below the mountain. (BoFA "what if" au, implied Bagginshield)

  • meet me in space

    Tauriel's phone buzzes in class. 95% of the time it's Kili. 5% of the time she pretends she isn't disappointed when it's someone else. A set of drabbles following the slowing developing Kiliel relationship in my modern au.

  • happiness is priceless

    Tauriel's standing at his front door, but the boys' are with Bilbo out of town and Thorin doesn't know what to do but reach out. He isn't cut out to be the emotional and comforting parent, but he'll give it a whirl anyway. Modern au.

  • when you wish upon a star

    The family (extended and ridiculous as it is) is set up to go to Disney World together for some kind of reunion thing. Kili isn't too sure on the details, but honestly, who cares, he's in Disney World. (Kiliel hints, Bagginshield, modern au)

  • love's a bruise upon your cheek

    Stiles has comic book acquiring plans. Erica interrupts them.

  • without you I don't have a safe place (from all the monsters)

    Thorin manages the two kids he has left at home without help from his husband, right up until he can't. He can, however, learn to fight zombies. Modern AU, Bagginshield, Thilbo, Bilbo/Thorin

  • not good, but it'll do

    Sakura isn't having the best day, but Itachi comes along and makes it a little more bearable.

  • come on (and pick me up)

    Thorin hates mornings and it's Saturday morning and that means sleeping in, safe within his warm bed. Unfortunately for him, he married an early worm. But Bilbo's got a smile that's even warmer than their bed and Thorin's never held out well against that smile. Bagginshield, unrepentant fluff.

  • you're a restless dream (to me)

    Modern AU - His cousin Frodo was sent to bed early, Uncle Bilbo and Uncle Thorin are in the kitchen, Fili's on the floor, sprawled out like he's dead, which means the only person left who could possibly be on the couch with him is Tauriel. He buries his nose in the crook of his elbow and wishes he were still dreaming. (Bagginshield, Kili/Tauriel or Kiliel)

  • When You Are Old

    Bilbo turns eleventy-nine and receives a present that brings back a lot of old musty memories. Elrond knows better than to interrupt musty old memories, having more than a few himself. (Was supposed to be Bagginshield, but isn't really at all upon reflection.)

  • there's a scoreboard in hell and baby I'm winning

    She isn't about to just sit there and let some silly little fox spirit hurt her best friend. So she looks him right in the eye, that thing wearing Stiles' face, and smiles her widest smile. Because she is Lydia Martin and she is no one's damsel in distress.

  • Once Upon A Dream

    Stiles dreams he's in a forest, in the rain, clutching a gun as a figure walks towards him. There's a door at his back. He shakes and cannot wake up. s3B

  • high ho, high ho, it's off to sleep we go

    Itachi comes home after finals to find his house isn't as empty as he thought it would be. (College/modern AU, slightly ItaSaku)

  • with a wonder and a wild desire

    Killian's history professor suggests he go visit the renaissance faire about an hour away from campus, but every time it's mention he feels like he's shaking apart, suddenly too tall despite having stopped growing two years ago. He doesn't mean to go, honestly he doesn't, but something about the opportunity calls to him. Reincarnation AU (Bagginshield & Kiliel)

  • tea for three

    Someone rang the bell. He expected a nosy neighbor, there to pester him for more bits of his tale, because it couldn't be the children, they never used the bell. But it wasn't. It was a dwarf he knew and a dwarf he didn't. But it wasn't hard to recognize her; she had given her son's her eyes and shared her nose with her brother. (Post-BoFA oneshot)

  • deck the halls (with more coat pegs)

    The Durinson-Baggins home is never empty on Christmas. In fact the guest list only grows larger every year, meaning more chairs and less room for the coats. Thorin would probably complain about the presence of both Thranduil and Bard (not to mention their spawn), but Bilbo knows he's too happy about a busy home to bother. (Modern au, Bagginshield holiday fic)

  • you do what must be done (for your friend and yourself)

    Bilbo returns, to his empty house, with an empty heart. But he is good at doing what must be done. And the world should know, the world deserves to know (Thorin deserved to know), the truth. So he clears his throat and chokes out the words, forces out, "He was my friend." (Bagginshield, post-BoFA movie spoilers)

  • real peace is just a step to the left

    Sound and the Akatsuki were set to attack the combined forces of the Leaf and Sand villages, but Naruto had a plan. (Otherwise known as the true tale of how Naruto saved the world. No, really, Gaara, I wish this plan was a joke.)

  • the future is here (but where are you?)

    We possess hovercrafts and the technology to genetically engineer children into soldiers (and monsters). We possess the power to level cities with the flick of a wrist and to heal with the press of a finger. But what we do not posses is the freedom to live in peace. We were born to fight. We were born to kill. (Futuristic Naruto AU)

  • hold my hand to keep me steady

    "What is it that makes someone like Orichimaru so different from the Third Hokage," she asked. The Leaf Village had fallen and all she had now was his company. Sakura stepped closer and jabbed her finger into his chest. Her nail dug into his skin, but the pain wasn't important. "What is it that makes Sasuke so different from you, Uchiha Itachi?" (ItaSaku one-shot AU)