

  • we remember everything

    When Sakura receives the order she goes home, locks the door, gets undressed, and then spends more time and effort getting redressed than she has in years. Once that is said and done she meets with Sai to find her two boys, but there is no Kakashi there to pull them apart now and it is up to her. (It takes Sai hours to pry them apart. The world is darker now, in his opinion.)

  • quack quack quack

    The semi-long winded tale of Sakura and Sasuke at college. Sakura gains a gaggle of grad student ducklings to take care of while Sasuke accidentally makes friends against his will. Eventual ItaSaku.

  • i'm keeping him (9)

    "Scott sent Stiles a text, hoping he might know where Derek was. He'd completely missed their training session the night before. A few minutes later the only thing he received was this snapchat. He decided that was all the explanation he wanted and went on with his day." (Based off a fanart on tumblr; Sterek)

  • kiss kiss, fall in love (with a nerd)

    Sakura was flopped across the bed, hardly moving, and Itachi felt himself panic just a little more. Then she rolled over into his touch and he saw what she had been hiding. (ItaSaku, modern college AU)

  • the life of a marine biology grad is hard (and cold)

    All Kisame wants is to find his sweatshirt and get to class on time. They're learning about sharks today, okay, sharks. But no, absolutely not, Kisame isn't allowed nice things like a sweatshirt being where it's supposed to be and, y'know, sane housemates. Pity. (ItaSaku, modern/college AU)

  • everything you feel is okay

    Her hair is pink and her eyes are green and she gives you this look, book in hand, paper sticking oddly out of its pages, and you can't breathe. Words jumble in your brain and your heart races and you can't breathe when she looks at you. She's fifteen and you're twenty and nothing will ever be the same again. (ItaSaku, modern)

  • you gave me a smile sharper than a razor (and girl I was scarred)

    Darcy had planned to drive the few hundred miles from her mother's house to her cousin's wedding. It would be fine. Well, it would have been, if not for the fact that her great uncle's car was ancient. At least there was a handsome stranger to help, right? (Post CA2, Bucky/Darcy)

  • leaving is another way to die, but I'm bathed in blood enough to drown

    You stand upon a bridge and the memory comes to you. You can see the face of the man Hydra first had you kill. You pull your baseball cap further down over your eyes and you move on. (Winter Solider centric, post CA2)

  • you speak like I stabbed you (but my knife's in my hand not your gut)

    You are sent to kill him and he is just another target, just another man, a man with a strange face in a sea of strange faces. But then he says a name and your world pauses, just for a second. (Bucky centric, spoilers for Captain America 2: The Winter Solider)

  • late at night you light up the air with your laughter lullabies

    ItaSaku - Modern AU: Itachi wakes up in the middle of night and her pillow is empty. He blinks dumbly at the darkness until he hears her quiet, half-smothered laughter.

  • I'm calling your name (trying to save you from the dark)

    Five hours after Allison falls Lydia storms into Deaton's office and demands answers. "Either you are with me or you are against me," she snaps. Spoilers for Insatiable.

  • young and sweet, only seventeen

    Allison kills one of the oni and the whole world freezes for a second. Isaac stares at her, bloody and beaten on the ground, and she stares at him, frozen. She knows she shouldn't, knows she needs to be alert and focused on the enemies around her, but Isaac stares at her as if she is a star and she can't look away.

  • sugar you're going down (swinging)

    Dimitri came closer, hand outstretched. His voice was sweet and sad. When he touched me he was so careful. Dimitri had always been like that, sad and sweet, careful and kind... But now there was another word I could use for him too: Weak. (Shadow Kissed ending AU, Rose POV, spoilers)

  • blood stained sunday's best

    Lydia feels like the world is crumbling out from around her feet (not for the first time, probably not for the last) and she reaches out for the one person who steadies her when no one else can. s3B De-Void centric

  • Not For The Last Time

    Bilbo Baggins wishes for him home, for the warmth and comfort it brings him, not for the first nor the last time. Yet things have changed and stories have to be altered as the years go by. Bagginshield if you squint.

  • family is priceless

    Thorin opens the front door, even though Fili's out of town. Tauriel doesn't expect his response.

  • there is one I could call king

    The King Under the Mountain falls in battle. Legolas considers that his father might be wrong after all.

  • like father like son

    Fili survives the Battle of Five Armies. Bilbo despairs for the boy who becomes more like his uncle with every passing day.

  • what a mess you've made of your love

    Dis should have expected her brother to bother things up to an unnecessary level, but this? This exceeded all of her expectations entirely. Bagginshield, Thilbo, Thorin/Bilbo - post Battle of Five Armies AU

  • Tangled Up in Christmas Cheer

    Or the story of how nineteen year old Draco Malfoy spent the Christmas season tangled up in fairy lights and dangling from the roof of 12th Grimmauld Place, which was probably even more dangerous than his decision to join in the Order in the first place. AU from book 6 on.