Ravenclaw-Earl of Storybrooke

  • The Life and Lies of Rita and Gilderoy

    The love story between two of the Magical World's giants in journalism. Also, some questions will be answered along the way. Why is Argus Filch so mean? Where did Rita get her Quick-Quotes Quill? What was egomaniac Lockhart like in school. Please review!

  • Cora's Storybrooke

    The Charmings, Regina, Hook and Gold have gone to save Henry. Cora, Belle, and the Blue Fairy have been left behind to protect and run Storybrooke. Can Cora be truly redeemed despite her past and the machinations of the scheming Blue Fairy? Belle becomes a surprising ally of Cora's. UPDATE: Now Complete. Please enjoy and review!

  • The King's Proposal

    Leopold's proposal to Regina, witnessed through Cora's eyes. Oneshot. I was inspired by "Bleeding Through." Please review!

  • Heart of Fire

    A mysterious priestess clad in red comes to Wonderland to draw its ruler to the Lord of Light. However, the Queen of Hearts is less than receptive, resulting in a showdown that shakes Cora's faith in her own safety. Rated T for some violence and the implied antics of Melisandre.

  • Leaving Wonderland

    Cora has some loose ends to tie up before returning to the Enchanted Forest with Hook. My tribute to Once Upon A Time In Wonderland in honor of tonight's series finale.

  • The Sentencing of Dolores Jane Umbridge

    Dolores Umbridge has always lived for power. But after the war, power disappears.