
  • The Answer

    A small SasuHina drabble! Sasuke finally answers Sakura's unasked question...

  • It Must Be Destiny

    100 Ichihime Drabble challenge! Ranging from all different themes, ratings, Aus and genres! Enjoy! Chapter Ten: Breakfast - Beware, even of the toast!

  • Arthur's not so amazing map reading skills!

    All Arthur wanted was nice relaxing morning hunting and if he got the chance to push Merlin in a lake, but no, none of that happened! What is wrong with this stupid map! Meanwhile Merlin fears for the future of Camelot... -Drabble-

  • Sweet torture

    -A small NaruHina drabble Enjoy! :D 'Kami she was such a tease and she didn't even know it'

  • The Princess of death

    After accidently absorbing all of his powers Orihime must now take up the roll of substitute soul reaper! Though when things finally start to settle down tragedy strike leaving Orihime with no choice but go save and save him from his impending death, with the help of her friends! Warning: Male Rukia and Orihime's cooking, yes so beware! Chapter One: When grey eyes met blue

  • Is it true?

    Describing love to anyone is a difficult task, nevermind to an eight-year-old! As poor Matts is about to find out...

  • Enter with caution!

    *Drabble series* Ever wondered what your favorite bladers get up to off screen? Well you're about to find out! Chapter Ten - Tyson has had a bit too much to drink and now has to deal with the consequence! *COMPLETE*

  • Wake up Toph!

    *Tokka drabble* Katara was wrong. Toph was okay! She had to be... Sure she wasn't moving but that was just because she was asleep... Right? Right! All I have to do if wait for her to wake up and then they will all see that she's fine. Come on Toph, wake up! Please...

  • A Simple Question

    It was just a simple harmless little question... Right?

  • F is for Family

    A to Z of Luffy and Nami family drabbles aboard the Sunny. What could possibly go wrong when your fathers the Pirate King and your mother well, one of the worlds best Navigators? Also through in the rest of the straw Hat crew and you're sure in for a good time! M-Rated mostly for language. Enjoy!

  • Mikan Scented Rubber

    After Luffy eats all of the ships food while on their way to loguetown, they have to take a detour to a mysterious island called Chaos island, to restock, where as the name implies chaos rises as so does adventure and Romance! See how far Luffy will go to save his navigator! While also making new friends and memories that they will never forget!

  • Noises

    A little LuNa drabble! Luffy and Nami are arguing like normal...

  • Happy Birthday Orihime!

    Ichihime drabble collection to celebrate Hime's wonderful birthday!

  • I wasn't that drunk! Honest!

    Naruto really shouldn't drink so much... A NaruHina drabble with a hint of SasuSaku

  • Him and her

    Ichihime drabble series... M-Rated for language. Final chapter: And so they'd wait to see each other again, no matter how long it took, neither breaking their promise...

  • Uchiha Standard

    This was not how their date was supposed to go... Either way Sasuke was a dead man. (Possibly a little Anti-SasuSaku depending on how you think but it wasn't intended to! ")

  • All in a days work

    Why Kakashi ever decided to take the job at KMI (Konoha Mental Institute) he'll never know... Especially when they all think their ninja! Where did Sai get that sword from? Will Asuma finally wake up? Where is Gaara's teddy! And how do they all keep finding everything that is supposed to be hidden! Click to find out! ...Oh no! Someone get Choji out the Kitchen!

  • Bleached Moments!

    Have you ever wondered what your favourite Bleach charater get up to in their spare time? Well you're about to find out! ...The Bleach cast have way too much free time to themselves! Drabble Series.

  • Of tear gas and perverts

    Sousuke's up to his old tricks again! By Setting up a trap in the girls changing room, which successfully go off without a hitch! If only it had gone off on the right person... A small Sousuke, Kaname one-shot! And hints of romance, if you squint!