
  • Final Fantasy 7 One-Shots

    Just a little collection of one shots that I come up with on occasion. Currently contains Yuffentine, ElenaxTseng, ElenaxReno, CidxShera, and VinTif. I apologize ahead of time for OOCness ;)

  • Lean On Me

    Cloud Strife is back. He's returned to Midgar three years after his fight with Bahamut SIN. Ever since he found the cure for the spreading disease that nearly destroyed the already recovering town under Aeris' church garden, he has become known as a hero again. But now things are different. Sephiroth is back and he needs to protect them or they will die. Like a chicken nugget.

  • When You and I Collide

    To Snow, the whole world ends when Serah gets in a car accident. To everyone else, it ends when they wake up on a planet called... Gaia? Who the heck is GAIA? And oh jeebus, who knows what'll happen when Yuffie and Vanille become best friends... Maybe Gaia will end too. CloudxLight, FangxVince, SnowxTifa Rated T for violence later on