Dracula girl 4 eva

  • The evil inside

    Just another story about the Dracula's! I don't own young dracula only Victoria and Clara.

  • Old friends

    There is a new girl at Garside who knows a lot of old friends of the Dracula family. Will there be a stokley reunion? (Erin is NOT dead!) (CHAPTER 6 UP NOW!) PLEASE R&R. I will try to update soon, I have been SO busy though!

  • There Back!

    Vlad meets a new girl and finds out something bad that makes him wonder...is HE coming back?

  • Dracula's Return

    The Dracula's return to stokley and when somebody turns up it all goes bad. (Vlad is a full Vampire.) I hope u enjoy! :D (CHAPTER 16 UP NOW!) please follow, fav and review!