

  • Real True Love

    They walked in as the apple rolled out of her hand. Her body turning cold, and the witch gone. Through they knew exactly who did it. She wanted her dead. And that's what she got. What if it wasn't Charming who woke Snow White from her deep slumber? What if it was someone else, someone unexpected. But who? ONE SHOT.

  • A House is just a House

    Emily Weasley. Adopted by Charlie and his wife, muggleborn. At her sorting she is prepared to be sorted into Gryffindor, like Ron. But when she goes to Slytherin, the exact opposite of Gryffindor. She is picked on by the Slytherins, neglected by the one guy she really likes, and confused by her advanced magic. When the dark Lord returns, he doesn't want Harry anymore. He wants her

  • Once upon a Concert

    Harley just wanted to stay home eat Ben & Jerry's and mope in sadness over her cheating ex boyfriend. But her friend Delanie, in attempts to make her forget, takes Harley to a concert to a band she can barely remember the name of. But there she catches the attention of Luke Hemmings. He saves her from her druggie mom and her dealer. But now, can he save her from herself?