Captain Alaska

  • Ella's Joyride

    After Herschel promises his eight year old daughter, Ella Nougatson, to take her out to experience how a real kart handles, she can't shake the excitement away. So, what could happen when she takes Herschel's personal kart, Wonderboy, for a joyride around Sugar Rush with the cops hot on her tail? Read to find out.

  • The Perfect Soul Mate

    When a new Romantic Chick Flick hits the scene, Sticky begs Herschel to get the movie at his theatre for their fourth anniversary. However, since Herschel hates chick flicks to death, what happens when he accidentally insults not only women, but his own wife as well. Can he fix it in time for his anniversary? Or will he be in the dog house forever?

  • Dishonorable

    When Spitfire finds Steroids in Soarin's room at the Academy and he is tested positive for the drug, he is promptly discharged from the Wonderbolts. His replacement, Rainbow Dash, is skeptical about Soarin using performance enhancers and decides to dig a little deeper to help save his reputation and career. Where will her investigation take her? Will she be able to clear Soarin?

  • Valentines Matchmakers

    It's Valentines Day, and all the Sugar Rush couples are enjoying spending time together. But, there are two who are too afraid to admit their feelings to each other, and Sticky Wipplesnit and her boyfriend, Herschel Nougatson, take it upon themselves to help get Swizzle and Jubileena together before the day is out. Because no one should be alone on Vaneltines Day.

  • Dad's Only 2 Steps Behind

    When Vanellope falls ill after a Random Roster Race, she calls on her best friend, Ralph, to help her get better. Upon arriving, Ralph finds Vanellope even sicker than he could've imagined. What will happen when Vanellope asks him to sing her to sleep? Will Ralph fall flat, or will he hit it sharp? Vanellope and Ralph father/daughter

  • Go Papa, Go!

    Herschel and Sticky haven't raced in over a year so they could prepare for their baby girl to be born. Now that she's nine months old, Herschel returns to the track with one goal in mind: WIN. However, he's in for the surprise of a lifetime when Sticky and Ella secretly show up to watch him win.

  • I'd Risk My Life For You

    Since Junior High, Rancis has always had a special place in his heart for Vanellope. When Rancis is the only one to stand up for her & is ordered to escort Vanellope around when a fellow student named Guy attempts to force her to date him at school, can Rancis protect her? How far will Rancis go to save Vanellope when Guy is waiting for her at her house when Rancis drops her off?

  • How Cruel Can You Be?

    When Vanellope shook Taffyta's hand, the thought never crossed her mind that she could hurt Rancis. The only thing that was on her mind was winning Taffyta's bet. She never thought Rancis' heart could be broken into a million pieces, she only knew she would hate having to wash Taffyta's kart for a month. But Vanellope gets a rude awakening when Rancis admits his feelings to her...

  • Mercy

    Everything he was told, everything somebody said, everything he knew, was a complete lie... Vanilla/Butter first meeting fluff. Takes place in 1997.

  • Fallen Eagle

    When a mysterious craft crashes near the Ponyville Lake, Princess Celestia, Luna and 5 of the Mane 6 investigate and find a human near the wreckage. They promptly bring him to the hospital where he awakens frightened & alone. To help him adjust to their world, Applejack volunteers to take 'Cougar' in at her farm. But what happens when the two strike up a very close friendship?

  • Vault: MLP One-Shot Collection

    What if Luna became obsessed with Black Ops II? How would Thunderlane and Rainbow react to Rumble and Scootaloo dating? Can Cougar give good dating advice to Pip and Featherweight? These are ideas that will be tackled in this collection of One-Shots. The stories will feature either pony characters or real life versions. Sparity, SoarinDash, SpitBurn, CheeriMac, CouJack & many more.

  • Rainbow Rocks: Get Your Rock On

    *Warning Spoilers Ahead* A what if scenario. What if there was a third main band in the film? A third band that was underestimated by both the Dazzlings and the Rainbooms? A third band that had no clue what was really going on, yet at the same time, had a capable chance of winning? A third band that holds no Equestrian magic, but wields a great power: The Power of Rock 'N Roll.

  • Nights of Lightning Part II: The Arcaders

    In the Sequel to 'Nights of Lighting,' it's up to the newly assembled super team, The Arcaders, to stop Turbo's new army of Cynosaurs from destroying and taking over their home. Will the Arcaders be able to stop the menacing Turbo, or will their heroic actions be all for naught? Vanilla/Butter, Wreck-It/Bounty, Hero's Cuties. ON PERMANENT HIATUS.

  • Overreaction

    Sequel to 2 Sides to Every Dad. When Kevin and Ella get ready for their very first date, Herschel cannot stop thinking about what could go wrong to his little girl. Finally, he snaps and spies on their date at the luxurious Truffle Garden. What happens when Herschel thinks he's doing the right thing by interrupting the date? Kevin belongs to Agent BM and Ella belongs to Me.

  • 2 Sides to Every Dad

    One day while eating Pizza at Ron Cinnadon's Pizzeria, Kevin Fluggerbutter and Ella Nougatson become a couple to see what the dating world is like. We all know how Vanellope and Sticky will react. But, how will Rancis and Herschel react to their kids dating? Will they take it well, or will they flip out?

  • Sugar Rush Sings, Let It Go

    The newest Rock Band to hit the rock and roll scene, Sugar Rush, has gotten their first big gig: Opening for VAN HALEN at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. With Rancis Elman on vocals, Herschel Ambrose and Swizzle Gordon on guitar, Gloyd Hamill on Bass and Ralph Reilly on drums, will Sugar Rush impress rock fans everywhere? Find out as they play their hit single, LET IT GO.

  • Cold Heart

    When Calhoun's day is one she wants to quickly forget, it's easy to get on her bad side, especially if you're a snarky nine year old go-kart racing president. The Core Four go to dinner together at Tapper's for the first time as a family, but when Vanellope's non-stop talking grates on Calhoun's ears one too many times, what happens when the Sergeant lashes out on the racer?

  • 1,2, Mommy's Mad at You

    On Halloween night, Herschel and Sticky invite Rancis and Vanellope to watch the Original Halloween film at Herschel's Theatre, leaving their kids home alone. When Kevin and Lucy bring A Nightmare on Elm Street over to Ella's house, will the kids get caught watching a movie they know their not supposed to? Or will they get away with it?

  • Bonding Time

    When Ella was born to her parents, Sticky and Herschel, she was a Daddy's Girl. She always wanted to spend time with her race-loving father, and less time with her mom. But when she out loud admits she loves Herschel more than Sticky, how will it hurt Sticky? When Sticky attempts to have a full day of bonding between herself and Ella, will it all work out in the end?

  • As Long as I have You

    When Rancis is found guilty of protecting and assisting 'The Glitch' of Sugar Rush by his fellow racers, he is sentenced by King Candy to two years in the Fungeon with no visitors and no possibility of parole. But surprisingly, Rancis cares not for his arrest and jail time, because as long as he has Vanellope in his life, nothing else matters to him. Vanilla/Butter!