
  • No One Said Possessions were Pleasant

    After Cecil's broadcast of The Woman From Italy, the possession has left him in need of recovery. Cecilos, oneshot

  • Nighmare Bubbles

    After all of Dave's time shenanigans, he was left with some mental scars by doomed timelines. When the meteor passes through a dream bubble, the rest of the group gets a first hand look at just how nasty those scars are. ((first homestuck fic)) ((pale bro davekat)) ((M because violence and swearing))

  • Body Guards

    High School AU. Samandriel is a little runt of a sophomore, Cas is his best friend who keeps bullies off him. But what happens when Cas has to leave on a family trip? Call on the Winchesters, of course! Rated T for violence.

  • Take Care of Yourself

    During a scan of an asteroid cloud the Enterprise finds herself ambushed and taking serious damage. Kirk ends up in sickbay and he and doctor McCoy have a bit of a disagreement.