
choose joy xox

  • The Story of Tonight

    "Four lives ruined, a small price to pay for most of their world. But most of the world hadn't known the ones they had lost, hadn't known their bravery and sacrifices, they hadn't known what they had been willing to do to protect the ones they loved." A journey into the lives ruined by the prophecy, and the people they leave behind.

  • Everything Falls

    "She was still lying to him, and for what purpose? Almost every obstacle that they had encountered throughout the course of their relationship was due to her inability to tell him the full truth. Now he knew about -A. She wasn't lying to protect him anymore, this was about her. But didn't he deserve answers?" What should have happened in 4x20 instead of the SPOBY PAIN.

  • A Colorless Sunrise

    What do you do when the worst thing happens? As an unsuspecting Toby Cavanaugh is diagnosed with cancer he had to learn to go on. He has to fight for his life and learn how to make things okay for the ones that love him. A prequel to Let's Go Back to the Start.

  • Just Grab My Hand And Don't Ever Drop It

    "She couldn't handle so much uncertainty, so she did the only thing that she knew how to do. She turned to the pursuit of knowledge. It was what she was good at. The more they learned about the time that Ali was away, the more the discovered about Bethany Young, the closer they came to unraveling the tangled web of lies." Set somewhere in early 5B.

  • Stay With Me

    Have you ever been so sure of something that you would bet your life on it, something that you were confident would never alter or lessen? What do you do when that changes? How do you move on from that? CAN you move on from something so debilitating? A Spoby-ified version of the Vow. Read, review, and enjoy

  • Exiles

    After his release from prison, Toby Cavanaugh flees to the quaint town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania in the hopes of hiding from the demons that haunt him. But instead of settling down he quickly finds his world turning upside down. AU. Read and review, please!

  • They Take Their Shots, We're Bulletproof

    "Butterflies danced around in his stomach when she smiled at him. 'Thanks for saving me, Toby.' 'Anytime,' he grinned, feeling a lot like Superman." After twelve years of friendship, Toby Cavanaugh's feelings for his best friend start to change. When he looks at her he doesn't see her disability. The fact that she can't see doesn't matter. He loves her for what's inside.

  • Collateral Damage

    When we're young we feel invincible, but it only takes a moment to shatter that illusion. For Spencer and Toby the shattered pieces of their perfectly constructed world are about to fall around them. What happens when one doesn't know if they have the strength to put those pieces back together? AU, a Spoby version of If I Stay.

  • We Were Built to Fall Apart and Fall Back Together

    "That's why he and Spencer worked. Not because they loved each other, because that wasn't always enough. He only had to look at his own parents to see striking evidence of that fact. No, he and Spencer worked because they were two imperfect people that refused to give up on each other." Spencer and Toby's thoughts throughout the Spoby PAIN of season 5.

  • Falling to Pieces

    "Toby, I want a normal life! I want to be able to go on a date with you and not worry that it will be ruined by a failed intervention for our friend or an emergency. I don't want to weigh what it's safe to tell you in my mind. I don't want to be afraid to sleep in my own house! I want a life, and I'll do whatever it takes to get it." How will Rosewood react when -A goes too far?

  • Love's A Fragile Game

    "Somehow, right now, it didn't matter that he was once again putting himself in danger for her. It didn't matter that she had lied to him. It didn't matter that the -A battalion could very well be bearing down on Toby's thick, oak door, ready to destroy the only thing she couldn't bear to lose. None of that mattered when he held her." One shot based on the Spoby 5B spoiler pics

  • Can't Drown My Demons

    Approximately 6.6 million people are victims of stalking every year in the United States. Although she knew the statistics, Spencer Hastings never thought that she'd be one of them. What started as anonymous texts and calls quickly escalated to something much more sinister. Will anyone be able to save her before it's too late? Review!

  • She Lives With Ghosts

    "She was so small, so broken. Life had thrown so much at her in such a short period of time. It would have been enough to break the strongest of people, but she had hung on for so long. Now she was at her breaking point, and he couldn't help but feel some degree of responsibility." A continuation of the Spoby scene in 4x21.

  • Let's Go Back to the Start

    "I'm there. I'm right there. You feel the breeze on your face? That's me brushing your hair out of your eyes. You feel the sun warming your face? That's me making sure that you're not too cold. Did you manage to catch yourself as you walked up the steps? That's me making sure that you never fall." PS I Love You, Spoby style!

  • Your Perfect Imperfections

    "She knew that he loved her. She was as sure of it as she was of anything. Not because he told her, but because he showed her. He showed her in every single move that he made." Spoby takes a little break from the -A game and go ice skating. Just a fluffy little prompt. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

  • I Don't Deserve You

    "He loved her. Her joy was his joy, and her pain was his pain. She had been putting up with so much over the past two years, enough to instantaneously break a weaker person. But she just kept continuing on. These were the first signs of cracks, and it was killing him. He would do anything, anything, to make life okay for her." Toby's POV of the ending Spoby scene in 5x08

  • Haunted Memories

    "But really, there was no denying it. It was all his fault. If he hadn't left, if he hadn't let her believe that he was working against her, he would have been right there by her side. There would have been no question that the body in the woods hadn't been his." What if Toby had gone to Spencer in Radley? What if he had told her the truth? Would she believe him?

  • Tears of an Angel

    "I can't fix you. This is a battle that you'll have to fight for yourself, but I'll be there to hold you the entire time. You have to make the choice to get better, but once you do I promise you that I'll never leave you." What would happen if Spencer kept her promise and called Toby instead of taking the pills? Spoilers for 4x21. Read and review!

  • Back to December

    "He didn't know how deeply into the addiction Spencer had fallen. But what he did know was that he unconditionally loved that girl with every single part of him, and that he would do whatever it took to help her through this." The conversation between Toby and Veronica Hastings that was alluded to in 4x20. Read and Review!

  • Broken

    They were like shattered pottery. Two broken pieces that fit together perfectly. Alone they were useless, but together they could accomplish anything. A continuation of the very unsatisfactory ending Spoby scene in 4x16, because I don't believe that Toby would have left his sobbing girlfriend alone in his living room. Read and review!