Following the events of GDW, Weed and the soldiers of Ohu venture into the world in the hopes of recovering a lost friend. Through the course of their journey and return, the leader and his friends are met with adversity of the highest degree and a moralistic journey that lies within the heart of a young Akita.
Just how far is Weed willing to go to impress these so-called, "Professional Killers" ? - Domination/Submission. Semi-Rape. JeromeXWeed KagetoraXKen
Tesshin is rather sick of the Ou Army's air of superiority. His so-called "Leader" thinks he's better? Chibi has had enough - Domination/Submission. Semi-Rape (Story Written for Shippo)
Akame was never entirely sure about Tesshin's morality, so over a decade later he stopped in to check his moral compass. AkameXTesshin, semi-consent/domination&submission.