
  • Love?

    Tsukishima grew up hating people in general. He can't stand the way they hide behind masks and then drop the bomb and show their true selfs. He stays away from them only to have an orange haired girl wanting to befriend him. Will he let her or will he push her away just like the others. Maybe she can be more to him if he lets her. TsukishimaxFEM!Hinata one-shot haters gonna hate.

  • Babysitter

    Hinata was bored out of her mind, summer has just started and she had nothing to do. That was until her mom's friend gave her a job, that job is babysitting. But what if it's not the kid giving her a headache but his older brother, Tsukishima Kei. FEMALE HINATA ALERT! Flames welcomed! Five year old Akiteru, Kei's older brother but not in this fic

  • Love and Hatred

    Going to a school filled with boys and only 4-5 girls wasn't on Hinata's mind, but she'll take what she can just to get away. "You're falling for him." "W-What don't be crazy." "Hinata, you like him, hell probably love him." Hinata blushed. "Don't say thing like that." "Oh but I'm right aren't I." 11x10 a Kei Tsukishima x fem!Hinata Shouyou AU

  • Marriage! With Him!

    After the death of her parents Hibari grew up by herself only managing a call here and there. She thought she was finally rid of her parent's company, she hated it not wanting anything to do with it since it only brought bad memories but now she has to deal with it since it comes back knocking at her door, literally. AxFem!18. May have some OOC