Lady M28

  • Endless

    Mary, Francis & twins make four. For the 2/22 fic prompt on the Mary & Francis thread at fanforum. Prompt is "sleep eludes me." ONESHOT! Complete!

  • View From the Forest's Edge

    On a snowy winter's day an observer takes in a scene before him. ONESHOT! Complete!

  • Rose-red

    Written for the 2/21 fic challenge in the Mary & Francis thread at fanforum. The prompt was fairy tales, this is based on the Grimms story Snowy-white and Rose-red, a favorite of mine. ONESHOT! Complete!

  • Puzzle Pieces

    Mid-FNAFF, Rory & Logan reconnect. Starts with "Boy when you're on..." and goes from there.

  • Manual Labor

    Bash and Kenna try to make their bedchamber a bit more comfortable. Companion to Adjustment Period, please read that story first. ONESHOT! COMPLETE!

  • Adjustment Period

    Learning Kenna went to Henry's rooms was just the beginning of the problem. One sleepless night make for changes and adjustments. ONESHOT! COMPLETE!

  • Kissing Lessons

    Post ep 1x16 spec fic based on the TV Guide episode description. Kenna tries to make her not so wanted wedded union to Bash work. ONESHOT! COMPLETE!

  • Altared States

    Extension of the candles in Mary & Francis's bedchamber scene from 1x15. ONESHOT! COMPLETE!

  • Daybreak

    Missing scene from 1x13. After the second hallway scene Mary and Francis go somewhere to begin to reconnect. ONESHOT! COMPLETE!

  • Connection

    Post ep 1x13, The Consummation. Mary & Francis's wedding night continues - a bit more privately.

  • Gambit

    Spec fic based on small bits of spoilers, ep descriptions, the new extended promo & promo pics from 1x09-1x13. What I think will happen. If you are spoiler free, well, you've been warned. COMPLETE!

  • La Cinquantième Jour

    Just two crazy kids - madly in love - on Mary's 50th day back at court. Set between 1x07 & 1x08.

  • Number 200

    A slip from Rory after christening the New York apartment inspires a conversation & an interesting discovery.

  • Reconoissance

    Spec fic based on 1x09 episode description. Longer summary inside. ONESHOT! COMPLETE!