Dimensional Lover

  • Changing Faces

    AU - Earth 92131 - Can Anna Marie and Raven leave their past behind to make a better future? Femslash - Side story of Omega: Chapter 36 The Arrival (part 2) when Rogue meets Mystique again after years of being enemies. Fair warning...this technically isn't incest but its in the same ball park.

  • How does it feel?

    Femslash: Korra / Asami Sato, Here for you. Korrasami. Book 4 Balance. My own HBO-ish version...HISHE (how it should have ended) Slightly AU. In my story Korra doesn't leave for 3 years she stays in Republic City while she's recovering. Support the story on Patreon / dimensionallover

  • The 1st Sin

    AU. Jean Grey / Emma Frost. Then she came back... Femslash


    Is mutant evolution possible? AU, Jean and Emma Grey-Frost are happily married. An unknown presence looms heralding the end of all life on Earth. Do they have the power to stop it, will they survive it? Can Love survive it? Will the world? Over abundant Femslash and f/f intimacy, smut level is high too. Very Loosely inspired by a few events in Underneath it all by Fembuck

  • Em & Ro

    Emma Frost's arrival at the institute has caused ripples in the peaceful oasis Charles had established. The blonde was dating Jean Grey. Emma's biggest obstacle was the redhead's best friend Ororo. Femslash A deeper look into their polyamorous relationship and how it was established in my OMEGA story. There will be flashbacks / forward. Thank you OMEGA readers for feedback.