Kitty Ryan

  • Daring truths

    "What do you dare, kitten?" - In the aftermath of Hawke's altercation with the Arishok, Isabela has every intent of scarpering off somewhere far away and disreputable to lick her wounds and salvage her reputation. Merrill stops her at the back door. Smut, with a side of bedroom dynamics and friendship.

  • Running in Circles

    Everyone in Minrathous knows that Fenris is liberati trash. He is also the youngest magister the city has seen in decades, freeing his family with an act of magic that had Denarius spitting in corners. He is a somniari. A Dreamer. And if, sometimes, his dreams show him a strange, lanky idiot of a mage from foreign parts, then he can keep it to himself.

  • A Song for the Robber Queen

    Asari aren't built like drell, but memory is still a bitch. Aria T'Loak. Nyreen Kandros. A character study. Spoilers for Mass Effect Omega DLC. A MEBB 2014 entry.