Hikaru's mother watches her son grow up.
Ginko tells Tanyuu a story.
Warnings for mature themes and images. Short Shito/Chika piece. Chika thinks about Shito's hands. For haraamis.
A very short Roy/Ed ficlet. Bonus Maes.
Reiji and Naoya and the ghosts of Christmas. And a lot of wasted birthday cake. For misslucyjane.
After the book.
A sweet moment between Gaara and Naruto.
From this prompt: Burn Notice, Fiona, She was once called Pearl. To walk on legs, she sacrified her voice; to get it back and gain control of those legs she killed a prince. And she has never regretted the choice. (The Little Mermaid) The theme is fairytales. ml?thread 37970403#t37970403
A Logan/Veronica moment. Very short.
Aya-chan wakes up.
There's a reason Fuji Syusuke is always smiling. Written for subrosa tennis.
One scene, two points of view.
A fairytale (or two) retold.