
crazy CM fan

  • Never Let Me Go

    When the unthinkable happens, it leaves Diane's life in a pile of fragments she somehow has to put back together. Not knowing if she can get through this, she finds the strength in her friends, who do everything to help her. And there is the man who loves her with all his heart and would give his life for her. Will/Diane. Warning! Contains rape, please take the rating seriously!

  • Together We Will Make It Through !

    Life writes it's own storys, Alex Blake had to learn this the hard way. In one blink of an eye everything can change for good or bad, she finds love and friendship in a place and world she last expected. But in the next moment life can shatter. Alex Blake/Spencer Reid, Alex has two Kids Kathrin (Kat) 15 and Ethan 6. Rating might change in later Chapters !