
  • More Between Us Than A Wall

    Writing collaboration between Gamebird and means2bhuman. Peter and Sylar, within the universe of The Wall, learn to trust, accept, like, love and perhaps even forgive one another.

  • Skulk, a rogue Combat SecUnit

    This is the story of a Combat SecUnit, from first assignment to last, to being reborn and not knowing what to do with its new life, to finding a home and a voice, to running across well-meaning people who almost ruin everything for it. Ratthi, SecUnit, and Three have minor appearances.

  • Rogue Trends, or the Ganaka Pit Incident, Revisited

    A company data analyst is assigned to find someone to blame for Murderbot going rogue. Doing so requires the company making connections between data points it had not previously made.

  • The Skinny

    Dry, factual, and straightforward, SecUnit sends a message to Dr. Bharadwaj for inclusion in her documentary, in answer to a question she'd asked about the treatment of SecUnits by clients. And Murderbot, the unreliable narrator it is, is seriously understating its emotions about all of this.

  • The Spy That Saved The Galaxy

    Also known as 'Poe Dameron has a lot to answer for' and 'Oh kriff, I thought you were dead when I wrote that about you.' Armitage Hux survived the Battle of Exegol, but the galaxy he woke up to was very different. He's been recast as a bigger-than-life hero, a role he is certain he doesn't deserve. He will not rest until he finds the party responsible for this turn of events.

  • For Whom The Bell Tolls

    Experts in clinical pathology agree that sociopaths cannot change or improve, but with abilities, anything is possible. This is Sylar's journey.

  • Only You

    Petlar smut. Porn without plot.

  • Territorial Behavior

    A prequel to Territorial Markings. This is basically porn without plot.

  • Territorial Markings

    Post-Season 4. A drabble where Hesam notices something amiss about Peter's appearance.

  • Broken Connections

    Set at the end of season 4, but The Wall never happened. Sylar broke out of Matt's mind trap without anyone's help. Yet Peter still needs him – in more ways than he'll admit.