Writing collaboration between Gamebird and means2bhuman. Peter and Sylar, within the universe of The Wall, learn to trust, accept, like, love and perhaps even forgive one another.
This is the story of a Combat SecUnit, from first assignment to last, to being reborn and not knowing what to do with its new life, to finding a home and a voice, to running across well-meaning people who almost ruin everything for it. Ratthi, SecUnit, and Three have minor appearances.
A company data analyst is assigned to find someone to blame for Murderbot going rogue. Doing so requires the company making connections between data points it had not previously made.
Dry, factual, and straightforward, SecUnit sends a message to Dr. Bharadwaj for inclusion in her documentary, in answer to a question she'd asked about the treatment of SecUnits by clients. And Murderbot, the unreliable narrator it is, is seriously understating its emotions about all of this.
Also known as 'Poe Dameron has a lot to answer for' and 'Oh kriff, I thought you were dead when I wrote that about you.' Armitage Hux survived the Battle of Exegol, but the galaxy he woke up to was very different. He's been recast as a bigger-than-life hero, a role he is certain he doesn't deserve. He will not rest until he finds the party responsible for this turn of events.
Experts in clinical pathology agree that sociopaths cannot change or improve, but with abilities, anything is possible. This is Sylar's journey.
Petlar smut. Porn without plot.
A prequel to Territorial Markings. This is basically porn without plot.
Post-Season 4. A drabble where Hesam notices something amiss about Peter's appearance.
Set at the end of season 4, but The Wall never happened. Sylar broke out of Matt's mind trap without anyone's help. Yet Peter still needs him – in more ways than he'll admit.