

  • Jolly

    one night can mean a lot for eight different couples. a series of Christmas one-shots. Muggle AU. includes theo/luna, harry/pansy, millicent/ron, ginny/cormac, katie/marcus, draco/hermione, colin/parvati, and neville/blaise.

  • Tender to Love

    Andromeda wants to follow her family's wishes more than anything. Ted doesn't. "I don't have a choice," Andromeda repeated. "But if I did — if I could choose — just know that it'd be you. I'd pick you every single time." — one-shot, ted/andromeda, COMPLETE

  • Ballad of Brevity

    Every moment is fleeting—but there, nonetheless. And even in its briefness, he lay in her for all to see, centuries to come. d/hr—canon up till battle of hogwarts, WIP

  • Night Falls and Day Flies

    They were fluttered wings of lashes and sun-dipped halos. And they were struck matches and kerosene filled kisses. Together, they flew — and together, they will fall—d/hr, two-shot, COMPLETE

  • This Little Light of Mine

    "One day, you'll find your light, Cissa. And they'll lead you out of this darkness. Promise me that you'll hold onto to it when the time comes." one-shot, canon up till Battle of Hogwarts, COMPLETE

  • Right Down the Middle

    Everything that once resembled his is now looking a lot more like theirs. And Draco can't decide whether to sprint past the garnishing mint leaves on the sugar-glazed tumblers full of strawberry lemonade in—their—kitchen or burrow himself underneath the Delhi imported and suffocatingly thick and undeniably prickly eggshell comforters in—their—bed. d/hr (fluff, literally sm fluff)

  • When Kingdom Comes

    "She would stretch out on her picnic blanket, slyly admiring Draco through hooded eyes as the sun shone through his blond hair and his laugh bursted through the air, because he was the type of boy that she read about in stories—the princes that she prayed to fall in love with every night." d/hr (with slight dransy)—one-shot, AU, COMPLETE

  • colours

    she found him tucked in between every spectrum of visibility. d/hr, AU—one-shot, COMPLETE