Crimson Zephyr

  • Melancholy

    He feels history is repeating itself like always. Great men brought down by humanity's evil.

  • Comfort

    They may not live in luxury but being together is all the comfort they need.

  • Sparks

    If Cana wants to flaunt around the pool in her underwear, go for it. If she wants to flirt with that idiotic drunkard, that is not his concern. If said drunkard wants to put a hand on the brunette, Laxus will snap said hand right off.

  • Honorshipping Fluff

    A series of snapshots of a young priest and his life with a lively kitsune for a guardian. (Supernatural AU)

  • Serenade

    Not only is she buying him that leather jacket he has his eye on, Peter also includes 'full use of the Camaro for a month' in exchange for babysitting Laura and Derek.

  • Parental Guidance

    He slipped up. He is going to be sent back to his father and brother. Back to dingy motels and thrift store clothes. Back to listening to Dean's crappy music and getting into arguments with John.

  • Fifteen Minutes

    Aka. the explanation of Clint's whereabouts throughout the movie. (Spoilers for Winter Soldier)

  • Fashion Statement

    Cassius did not mean to buy the shirt but it is just so cute and gaudy and he could not stop picturing his boyfriend's dumb smiling face.

  • Fleeting

    One second she is looking up at Scott, tears clouding her vision, and the next, Allison is standing beside his crouched form with her prone body in his arms.

  • Love Bites

    "What's that spot on your neck, Sera?" the brunette points out.

  • Rendezvous

    "Cassius, perhaps we should return to the gala lest someone notices our—aahhh—absence."

  • Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

    Elsa lets out a choked sob and prays for morning to hurry.