
  • You Got It, or Saturday Morning Serenade

    Will and Mackenzie's baby girl is an appreciative audience. "Will finished Brown-Eyed Girl by Van Morrison, which he'd adapted and made Blue-Eyed Girl, in honor of his daughter's turquoise gaze. Then he started on You Got It by Roy Orbison."

  • Love of my Life

    Will and Mackenzie fight, reinforcing old habits instead of breaking them. "You know, you can't always run, and I can't always push you away. Those are old patterns. We need to unlearn them." he said.

  • Ballerina Girl

    So Sloan's got a secret talent she hasn't let Don see yet. Here's how Don found out about it.

  • Musical Bonds

    Will and Caroline, now 3, still have their musical bond. This is meant to be a companion piece to You Got It. Sorry I've been so absent- complete craziness at work and no time to write. Took me FOREVER to get this story done, but I hope to be back to submitting regularly now! Please review if you like it and have the opportunity! Thanks, and happy reading!

  • Here I Go Again

    Will and Mac are invited to Don and Sloan's 80s costume housewarming party. You know Will isn't going to enjoy himself.

  • The Other Couple

    So Sloan figured out that Don bought her book. And then she signed him a real copy. And then she kissed him. So where did things go that night (and subsequent nights), after the broadcasts, and Will and Mac's engagement, and the decision to face the lawsuits head-on? Here's where. Update: Chapter 7 gets a touch smutty. FYI.