

  • Arkham Slayers

    On a certain Christmas Eve, a Slayer visits Gotham and she gets recognized. This leads to questions, answers and discoveries that lead to unexpected developments.

  • A conversation Before

    Buffy has a visitor to her apartment and they have a conversation about changes coming. This story is strictly speaking not a complete crossover, but there is a crossover element to the story. Read the story and you'll see what I mean.

  • Collateral Damage

    The Plan to find out what Faith knew about the Mayor's plan had unintended collateral damage. Now that plan is upsetting the plans of higher beings. Crossover with the RPG GURPS:In Nomine.

  • A Pair of Ears

    Xander goes with a different costume for Halloween after winning a prize.

  • The Man in the White Suit

    The Planetary Corporation keeps the world safe and strange. It has a new employee, an one-eyed former carpenter from California

  • The Road Back: Season Two

    The events started in the Road to Hell and Season One of The Road Back continues. A temporally displaced Xander starts to have more and more effect on the world as history is changed.

  • The Road Back: Season One

    The story in The Road to Hell continues as Xander Harris comes to terms with his new status in the world and the world starts to come to terms with his role.