

  • Scotch Eggs

    Minerva is off on another adventure with Xiomara. 15MinuteFics:PhotoFriday56

  • Seeking Solitude

    Hermine's alone time in the middle of nowhere is interrupted. 15MinuteFics:PhotoFriday86

  • Company

    Facing the world, post-war, is easier with company. 15MinuteFic:PhotoFriday24

  • Cedric's Missing Scenes

    Four short scenes that could have happened during Goblet of Fire. Written for Q.

  • Limits of the Flesh

    Alice had heard every scream her husband issued forth, and Bellatrix had in mind to make Alice scream even louder." My vision of what the Longbottoms went through that fateful night.

  • Kittyhawk Drabbles

    Collection of drabbles, double drabbles and "eh, it's close enough to 100" scenes featuring Minerva McGonagall and Xiomara (nope, nope, I never got the memo that Rolanda won the X vs R canon battle) Hooch. Chapter per work, prompts/requests noted.

  • Detritus

    Hermione and Ginny are the last two surviving captives of the Death Eaters. Bellatrix has something planned for Hermione but Greyback wants his share first. WARNING: rape, torture, character death, necrophilia, general WTFness

  • Classy

    When Argus begins working with Umbridge he gains some self confidence and goes after what he wants.

  • The Snitch Goes Where?

    Tonks enjoys going to the Quidditch games while she is stationed at Hogwarts – it helps get her mind off of Remus. Hooch intends to take her mind off of him in other ways.

  • Because You're Mine

    The Death Eaters weren't the only ones responsible for the torture of Frank Longbottom. Bellatrix gives jealousy a very psychopathic tinge and we find out why she is so damn crazy by the time Voldemort shows up again.

  • Bookworms and Broomsticks

    Common interests draw two witches together in a way neither imagined possible.

  • Just as Insane as I Am

    Luna tries to relax after the final battle but things don't exactly go as planned.

  • Sand Through the Hourglass

    Glimpses into the interactions of Severus and Minerva from his initial appointment at Hogwarts to the revelation of his memories after the Battle of Hogwarts.

  • Flying Again

    Two who lost much escape the pity of the world with each other, finding friendship and something more. AU in that Tonks does not die in the Battle of Hogwarts (the how is explained.)

  • Limits of the Flesh:Redux

    Sequel to Limits of the Flesh - ok to stand alone but the beginning will be less confusing if you read that one first. FEMSLASH.