
  • Three times Molly woke up to Sherlock in her bed

    And the one time he did. Just a fluffy story with some angst, anger and language.

  • Sam's bad day

    Because after all, for a woman as lucky as Sam Carter tends to be... her bad days would be "spectacular". Humour, annoyance and a very clumsy Sam throughout. Rating for one *itty bitty little* curse.

  • Two detectives, a problem and Molly

    Sherlock and Greg have a wee bit of a situation and who do they turn to in their hour of need? Molly of course. Who else? Major fluffiness. I mean it's just candy floss really.

  • A converstation that counted

    John Watson certainly must have had a thing or two to say to Molly Hooper once Sherlock revealed her role in everything. He may only get some of the answers he seeks, but some understanding; yes. Alarming and unnerving Molly as he does so. Hints of Sherlock/Molly, Molly/Tom and John/Mary. Mostly a John/Molly friendship piece.

  • Bedside Frustration and Revelations

    Sherlock had to be under careful observation after his hospital escape. Molly may have done her bit, it does not mean she did it happily. Or not let him know how angry she really is with him. Slight language and sass.

  • Colour Coordination

    "Hey Major? How do I know what color to wear? We call each other every morning." How else could they be so coordinated? And how did the idea surface? A series of snap shots into SG-1's coordination skills. HUmour, light Sam/Jack and a smidge of Vala/Daniel.

  • Beating Mr Holmes

    Even if it takes him a while to figure it out. Just a series of moments during and after His Last Vow. Rated T for language and nears M (but not quite) towards the end for sexual implications.

  • The True Definition of Mudblood

    A few days after escaping the Malfoy Manor, Hermione finds herself having a rather enlightening conversation with Dean Thomas. What she misses about her old life, what being a Mudblood means to her, and what is waiting for her. Ron/Hermione hinted at.

  • Unexpected Recognition

    Ron gets a nod that he never imagined he'd be noteworthy enough to receive. Suffice to say it's one of the best things to ever happen to him. Cuteness abounds.

  • The First Defiance

    A story starting with Lily's first defiance and the summer afterwards. A tiny bit of language but nothing major. Very much a Jily story.

  • The Bones of Them

    Moments in Sherlock and Molly's relationship based around the most intrinsic, basic structure Sherlock Holmes knows. The Skeletal Structure. Mentions of drug use and sex, though not explicit.

  • His Last Promise

    In the immediate aftermath of Moriarty's broadcast, Sherlock is left a very pointed message. He had made a promise to a dear friend and he will do his utmost to uphold it. References to his past of drug use and insinuations of torture, but it's not overt. From Sherlock's POV.

  • Piercing the veil

    With the possible return of James Moriarty, Molly can't help but think the life she promised to leave behind at age eighteen may be rearing it's ugly head. With no help for her in England, she has to outsource this problem to a couple of men in America. Unfortunately, this what not her sole problem, how was she to keep her friends safe, without letting the truth come out?

  • Sleepy encounters

    Just a short drabble involving a drunken Sherlock waking Molly in the middle of the night. References to His Last Vow.

  • Shots fired

    In typical fashion, Daniel does not react well to the news that Jack had to shoot him when Anubis managed to infiltrate the base. And as always Sam is stuck, unable to escape the childish squabbling that ensued. Frustration, humour and Sam's wishes for a violent end to the argument. Rating is a just in case.

  • The Most Important Bookmarks

    Most people compare moments in their lives to chapters in a book. Well Ron Weasley was never 'most people', he sees moments in his life with or relating to Hermione Granger, in connection with very special books. Fluff is everywhere in this story I warn you!

  • Mismatched Puzzle Pieces

    A Hermione centric one shot, a sequel of sorts to 'Finding Hope in her Horizon' but it's not necessary to read it for this. Involves Hermione's thoughts on her place in the Weasley family after Fred's funeral and the events of the past year. Mostly Harry/Hermione sibling bonding with R/Hr and H/G.

  • Dancing, prancing and dawning realizations

    A transfiguration assignment leads to a bit more then Lily had thought it might! Humour, fluff and silly antics ensue! With maybe a dash of seriousness and romance!

  • Finding hope in her horizon

    Oh boy another Battle one shot. A Hermione centric story set in the pause in the battle after Harry heads to the Forbidden Forest and after they leave Dumbledore's office. Language due to Ron, being well, Ron. R/Hr cuteness abound so bewarned!

  • The First Civil Conversation

    After Sirius sent Snape to the Whomping Willow, Lily happened to come across James in the Common Room and he asks her for advice as she's the only one who can help... Rating for one itty bitty curse world... James was quite mad... whoops?