Dragoness of the Stars

  • It's a Twisted Kind of Destiny

    Not your everyday TiPo finding lost family fic...as the title suggests, it's a bit more twisted than that. 2 strange characters convince Po and the Five to troop off to a twisted kind of adventure. And if both Mei Ling the mountain cat and a certain scroll-craving snow leopard are included, then hey, what could go wrong except everything? OCxPo, OCxTi, OCxOC, TaiTi, TiPo and etc.

  • Promises

    Po's forced into a slightly illegal arranged marriage, leaving his friends and family behind forever...or will he come back, carrying a few disastrous surprises? Like perhaps...his cub? One-Shot. TiPo that's slightly more intense than I'm used to; Romance and Angst on full flow here. Includes some ViCra. R&R at your own will!

  • Never Once Told

    A bunch of one-shots and drabbles I've had sitting around, waiting to be told. Or read, really. Tales that the Furious Five and Dragon Warrior have kept from you all this time...that are ready to be revealed. Warning: Everything is AU and everything hurts. (Well, mostly everything). R&R

  • Willing Sacrifices

    Summary inside; drabble about two of my favorite characters and a choice they have to make. It's always the strong and secret ones, isn't it?