
  • Craving Experience With Love

    Wade Wilson has always been popular... To the point where girls are too afraid to ask him out! That is, until Parker, a geek at his University, asks him out instead. Wade decides to use him as a "practice run". What's the worst that could happen? Warnings: Spideypool(Spiderman x Deadpool) don't like, don't read. Rated T to be safe.

  • I'd Rather Feel Rain Than Nothing At All

    AU set in San Francisco. Arthur Kirkland is a clinicly depressed youth on the brink of suicide. He is hopelessly in love with his best friend: Francis Bonnefoy. He can't work up the nerve to tell him, so he decides to do something rash. Pairing: FrUK. Warnings: Yaoi/slash, mild language, feels. Oneshot. Human names used.

  • The Newbies

    Things finally get interesting when the long standing tedium is broken by the appearance of a cybertronian energy signature. TFP OC introductory fic. Warnings: OC(s), possible langauge. Rated K for now, most likely to change.

  • Say Goodbye to Budapest For Me

    Several years after the original Avengers retired, Natasha spends her last moments with Clint. Warnings: CHARACTER DEATH, Clintasha fluff, implied Natalie Dormer.

  • A Study In Denial

    Stupid little Spirk oneshot that popped into my head. Kirk has never been curious about anyone before. Certain characteristics, sure, but not a specific individual, let alone his own First Officer! Warnings: Slash(Male x Male), rated T for mild swearing and references to Jim's past, er, companions.

  • WCHB: Wave

    AraFef. First story in my What Could Have Been AU series. Aradia Megido is a non-domestic vet, and Feferi Piexes is a marine biologist with a whale of a problem. Warnings: Fluff, Yuri, Femslash, inaccurate knowledge of American terminology.

  • This Tainted World We Live In

    Sequel to Not Your Everyday Love Story. Marriage. A daughter they didn't know they had. Mpreg. Pairing: Stein x Spirit, Makka x OC if you squint. Warnings: yaoi/slash, OC, mpreg, implied sex scenes, mild language.

  • Hello, How Are You?

    When Mikey rescues a young mutant kitten from a couple of high school punks, the child quickly becomes a new member of the family. Read to see how they adjust to the change. OC introductory fic. Warnings: OC, tcest if you squint, adorable kitten-ness, mild language. Rating may change.

  • Not Your Everyday Love Story

    Things take an unexpected turn after a late night parent-teacher meeting with the Ultimate Meister and Death Scythe. Pairing: Stein x Spirit. Warnings: yaoi/slash, language, and implied sex scenes.

  • Be Careful What You Wish For

    Spock is unaware of the events that a little wishful thinking on his part will unfold. McSpirk(McCoy x Spock x Kirk). Warnings: OC, yaoi/slash(that means gay), polyamory(boy x boy x boy), child!Spock, Space Pirates. Enjoy, all! K for now, likely to change.