
  • Resonance of Fate- Fey

    Fey is known as the Metal Thief, but how did she begin?

  • Devil May Cry- Narri's Journey

    Join young Narri on a mission to find the meaning in her life, meeting her family and crazy insane battles!

  • Remnant XVI

    Vexus Bastille is the sixteenth remnant of Sephiroth, he and his friends go on a journey to find his real purpose in life. ((New OC story! More to come!))

  • Lollipop Chainsaw: Crush Crush Crush!

    Sakuya "Crush" Morikawa moves to California from Japan to find her grandfather, however, she finds friends, love, and adventure. A gothic Japanese girl and a Blonde American Cheerleader? What are the odds of that? Find out in Lollipop Chainsaw: Crush Crush Crush! (Contains Japanese and some swearsies.)

  • Thrill Kill 2: Hell on Earth

    Mia Faustus, the daughter of the mad doctor, travels into hell for the next tournament, with all the descendants, each hell bent on retrieving what will make them pure once again. (Rated M for gore, language, and dark humor.)

  • The Binding of Isaac Theory: Call of The Lost

    This theory is of my own creation and is intended to possibly widen the story, rather than ruin it. Please read it at your own risk. Rated M for some gruesome details.