Lalaith Quetzalli

  • The Guardian

    (4th in the Chaos Theory Series) Some say there's no victory without sacrifice… but not all sacrifices are about death, just like not all swords are made of metal. The land has chosen its protector, and the time has come for him to take his place in the world, and in History. It's all come down to this… (Minor Poly) (References to other fandoms)

  • Chosen

    (1st Part of the Butterflies and Hurricanes series) Clary listened to the warning from the Angels, and she came to regret it. When Ithuriel returns to offer her a chance to go back in time, to make things right, she embraces it with both hands. This time Clary will be doing things her way. And neither demons nor angels will stop her from saving those she loves…

  • Menel

    -Post 1.13 TRACKS-. As Skye lay on that cellar, bleeding to death, she did something she hadn't done in years, she called for her mom... and someone answered... When Skye is close to death someone actually hears her call for help, her blood-family. They will do anything to protect her. (Better summary inside) OneShot. Connection with the Thor movies and Avengers.

  • Meneliel

    -Final Part of the Menel series.- She's a Child of Chaos, one of those prophecized as Harbingers of Ragnarok... when the bell for the End of Days tolls, she will have to decide who she truly is, and where it is she truly belongs. How strong are the bonds of Family when the destiny of the universe is in the balance? Some cameos and references to other fandoms. Ignores S2 of AoS.

  • Deirfiúr

    -AU to Nightingale.- During his exile Thor realizes something is terribly wrong with his brother, which prompts him to look up the one person he believes can help, someone no one but him and Loki himself know exists: his sister, his brother's wife... The two of them together just might be able to save the one they care for most. (X-Men movies and AoS cameos) LN, TJ, PD and others.

  • Reweaving Fate Through Destiny

    -Continuing from Gift of the Stars.- The Tapestries of Marked Ones Thorin Oakenshield's and Bilbo Baggins's Fate torn asunder, a new future began writing itself in Arda, one much similar, and at the same time, much different, to what the Valar might have once intended. And it was all thanks to her, the Gift of the Stars... the Lost Guardian. (Will go into Lord of the Rings).

  • Necklace of Songs

    -Sidestory-Companion to Nexus.- The elven princess and the asgardian prince who chose love over duty and blood and fate. Music bound them both, and their union gave birth to light. Their story became legend and crossed all Realms. And a Thousand Years later their love still shines just as bright, with the light of every star in the sky. (Past Lives and Reincarnation)

  • Gift of the Stars

    -Movie based- She was a special girl, gifted by the Valar, with the power to change Fate, if only once; and she chose to do it for Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins, one misty morning in Ravenhill. It was a choice that would have ripples, many of them, and would eventually reshape the Fates of every living being in Arda...

  • Nexus

    -Sequel to Nightingale.- When one lives in a world where magic and science exist side by side, where individuals with extraordinary abilities walk the streets every day, the lines between myth and reality can become blurry. When the points align, the Veil will be lifted, and the Universe will never be the same again... T:tDW rewrite. Minor cameos from the Secret Circle book trilogy

  • Astrid

    -Part 3 of the Menel series.- They were rebuilding SHIELD from the ground up, but this organization was very different from the old one, created by a family with trust, comradeship, love... and the universe would react to it, as individuals and beings once believed to be mere legends came out of the shadows, ready to join, to help, to Protect. Warnings: Mega crossover, Minor slash

  • Avery

    -Part 2 of the Menel series- They called themselves Agents of SHIELD, but what was SHIELD anymore? They were the Protectors of the Earth... until the serpent revealed itself. When the end of the world they all know comes, the Family is all the Team will have, as long as the Coward and Traitor don't tear them apart before the beginning. (CA2 spoilers, MCU guests, crossovers implied)

  • Lokidottir

    -Part 1 of the Menel series- Daughter of None... Daughter of SHIELD... Daughter of Secrets... Only when the three are combined, will the true Sky be revealed... There was more to her than she ever imagined... (LokiOFC and some Avengers mentions and cameos)

  • Devotion

    -AU to Nightingale.- When Thor goes to assist in the battle against the chitauri, he isn't alone; with him travels a cloaked, slight female, one no could have ever expected: the Goddess of Devotion, the Nightingale, Loki's match and consort. And she will reclaim her beloved from the shadows that dwell in the abyss, no matter the cost. (Warning: Mentions of abortion and miscarriage)

  • Songstress

    -AU to Nightingale.- She lived, day by day, with a hole in her heart and soul, unable to remember what was meant to exist there, but sure she was missing something. So she sang, she sang for the loss her heart mourned, which her mind couldn't remember. And she would keep on singing, until the day she was whole once again. (With X-Men movies cameos)

  • Bound

    -AU to Nightingale.- Chains that free… keys that kill… the instrument meant to save the lady's life has also irremediably tied her to his match. When the time comes for the shadows to fall and trials of fire to take place, will both of them manage to remain standing till the end? How much of a difference can a bond of two souls make? First Thor movie rewrite!

  • Entre el Pasado y el Futuro

    ¿Es posible viajar en el tiempo? ¿Es posible cambiar el pasado? Yo creo que sí, y lo haré, para poder ver felices a todas las personas que amo. HHr, R? Ya es tiempo de que Laila regrese a su época. Terminado