Lalaith Quetzalli

  • A World Full of Wonders

    (6th in the Burning Tower series) Skye is a hacktivist who once dreamed about uncovering some great secret, revealing the truth to the world, leaving her mark. Until she got her chance, only to realize why some things were meant to stay secret. When things happen and everything seems to be going nuts, how far is a young human woman willing to go to protect a world not her own?

  • The Lost Prince

    (5th in the Burning Tower series) Chris has always been one to know his own story, whether the more fantastical version, with princes and angel princesses; or the more real one: with a little boy imprisoned in hell and rescued by his sister… But that story, that's the past. How Christopher Bane has grown, and its time he starts writing his own story. (Warnings in the ANs.)

  • The Exiled Protector

    (3rd in the Burning Tower series) Alec Lightwood spent twenty-three years being a dutiful son, a courageous shadowhunter, a loyal member of the Clave, and the one time he dare step one foot out of line… they all turned on him and he lost everything: his career, his family, his life… or maybe it'd be fairer to say that he lost one life, as a whole new one opened up to him…

  • The Girl on Fire

    (2nd in the Burning Tower series) The prince has been saved, the burning tower is no more, and the evil queen, who knows? But as it turns out that wasn't the end of the story, no, it was just the beginning… At least this Clary has her priorities straight: study and train very hard, become a warrior, protect those who need her, and never, ever, let go of her brother…

  • The Burning Tower

    (1st in the Burning Tower Series) Whoever thought that angels could just come and tell her to surrender and she'd listen, that anyone at all could order her to kill her brother when all she's ever wanted to do is save him… it's clear they don't know her at all. Her name is Clary Fray, and with the Angels help, or without it, she will make things right! (Warning for Graphic Wounds)

  • Shadow Alliance

    (Sequel to "Hands and Hearts") The Circle is coming. War is knocking on their doors. Valentine Morgenstern is sure nothing can stand in his way to destroy the Downworld, destroy all they've fought so hard for… The Clave itself believes nothing can be done to stop him. Clearly none of them know Alexander and Magnus Lightwood-Bane very well.

  • Faceless Judgment

    (Death's Seneschal One Shot) It is said that one must never make decisions out of fear. When the near-annihilation of her whole pack makes Laura realize that being alpha is more than she ever thought, ever wanted, fear makes her lash out. She wants all responsible for that fear to pay, not realizing how dangerous such a choice truly is… (Pre-Canon) (Pre-Sterek)

  • Faceless Vengeance

    (Death's Seneschal One-Shot) Lydia, Allison and Scott desire revenge against the Hale Pack, and in order to get it they decide to call on someone they believe can give it to them: a force of Death. What they don't realize is that when Death comes, it won't just judge one, it'll judge them all. (Non-Graphic Violence) (Minor Character Death) (Background Scallison, Janny, Past Jydia)

  • Causality

    (Death's Seneschal One Shot) Scott wanted so much to be human, and Stiles wanted so much to give him this, to in some way make up for taking Scott looking for a dead body that night… now, now they'll all have to live with the consequences of their choices. For good, or for ill. (Non-Graphic Violence) (Minor Character Death)

  • Wocjik

    (Prelude to Death's Seneschal One-Shots) The story of the Servants of Death in general and the bloodline of Death's Seneschal's in particular. For those who might not have read one of the first three pieces in the series this can be considered Required Reading. (No Dialogue) (Worldbuilding) (Warning for Major -Canonical- Character Death)

  • The Gift of Death

    (Death's Seneschal One Shot) Stiles realizes he cannot trust Scott, he's never trusted the Argents, and Derek tries but he cannot do it all alone. Which means that if he wants to stop the kanima before more people die, he's going to have to step forward himself. It's time everyone learns who Mieczyslaw 'Stiles' Stilinski truly is… (Warning for Minor Character Death)

  • Benediction

    (Death's Seneschal One Shot) Asking for help is never easy, but sometimes it's all that can be done. When Stiles finds himself in some kind of basement, without knowing how he got there or even where he is exactly; he calls the one person he knows will help him, who's never failed him… (Slowburn Sterek) (Minor Character Death)

  • Death's Choices

    (Death's Seneschal One-Shot) Stiles has always known that one day he'll be the leader of an ancient order dedicated to seeing justice done in the supernatural world, without regard to race or power. Has always known yet never cared to do anything about it, until an Argent throws him into his torture basement… Gerard Argent has no idea who he's messing with. (Pre Sterek)

  • For Justice and Death

    (Death's Seneschal One-Shot) So many people look at Stiles and dismiss him, as non-supernatural, as human, as weak… and Stiles has always been fine with it. He loves being underestimated. Here is where he draws the line though: when someone messes with those he calls his, he'll make them pay! (Gen)

  • Blood of the Angels

    Question: When was the last time a Shadowhunter died of natural causes? Answer: It's never happened… (Post-Canon)

  • Hands and Hearts

    "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart", is how the saying goes. No one has borne a wedded-union rune on the heart in over a century. Love Matches are so rare nowadays. When Alec Lightwood finds out he's to have an arranged marriage his secretly romantic heart shrivels… at least until he learns who his groom is. (Pre-Canon)

  • Rise

    (Final part of the "Butterflies and Hurricanes" series) The enemies have fallen, the war is over, now it's time to move on. To heal, to rise again, stronger than ever; to build something better than what was there before. But for that to be possible, first the truth must be revealed, all secrets come to the light. And… an angel might have one more gift to give…

  • Meet Me on the Battlefield

    (Fourth Part of the "Butterflies and Hurricanes" series) The Clave's full of idiots, not killing Valentine when they had the chance. So sure of their own power, so convinced of their superiority. That's always been their weakness, Alec knows. So, if the Clave refuses to see reason, he'll force the matter. The time has come, to end Valentine's reign of terror, once and for all.

  • Heavens Divide

    (Third Part of the Butterflies and Hurricanes series) Clary could kick herself for not seeing this coming. For never thinking that there might be memory demons other than Valak, that others beside Magnus might have the power and willingness to summon them. That someone might see her as a thorn on the Circle's side and decide to get rid of her, once and for all…

  • Never Enough

    (Second Part of the Butterflies and Hurricanes series) One would think that having managed it all once before, getting things done this time around would be easier. And perhaps they'd be, if he were content with just repeating his past. But that's not who Alec is. He always wants to do better, be better. And he knows now that no matter the odds, he'll never stand alone…