
  • Addiction

    Harry had an addiction, so how did he save the world again?

  • Fantastic Nations and Where to Find Them

    Some of the nations react to thier HP creatures!

  • Musical Couple

    Austria has the urge to play a song, and Prussia snuck into his house! Interesting twist at the end! (Summary sounds more exciting than the title, eh?)

  • I See The Fae

    Is that Flying Mint Bunny talking to Alfred? What? Read to find out!

  • Letters to Voldemort

    Harry is upset over Sirius' death. Dumbles is evil, and so is the Order. So he goes to find out the truth. Dumbles, Weasley Bashing! OOC Harry, Hermione, Snape, and Voldy!

  • Into Hetalia

    Amanda and her 2nd player, Izzy, are pushed through Hetalia portals. What will happen when they get there?

  • Hamburger and Scone

    A random few line plot bunny that smaked me untill I wrote it.

  • Pancake Lovers

    Mathew is lonely. So how does he combat this?