

  • All that Matters

    Little Hiccup gets lost in the forest.

  • Run, and pray it does not find you

    A flying accident leaves Hiccup anxious and scared. Unfortunately, there is no time for fear, as a new threat looms over Berk...

  • Harry Potter and the Magical Interview

    When Harry Potter attends Hogwarts, he becomes many thing; the boy who lived, the triwizard champion, the Chosen One. One day he meets a mysterious woman, and begins to suspect that he is more. In particular, a figment of imagination that was responsible for building a vast empire. For every child in the world knows his name. Written for a class assignment! Not meant to be serious!

  • The Breast Hat

    Snoggletog has come to Berk once again WARNING: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR HTTYD2

  • Anxiety

    Little Hiccup is left anxious and confused following the death of his mother.