

  • Final Cry of The Rose

    Abused and raped, dumped in the forest, found by two werewolves, a death match begins. Moony the victor takes Harry to safety. A panther crawls into Harry's life reaching him where no one could. An old potions professor, and a good Voldemort save Harry. Could this mysterious cat heal Harry and teach him love. Will it bloom like a rose and if so, what happens when the petals fall.

  • In the Darkness, the Light Thrives

    This is about Harry and Nico and their toils. Nico has a secret that he intends to keep from Harry and Severus. Harry and Severus or on a mission, but the thing is, they don't know what the mission is. Can Nico keep Harry in the dark or will his secret come out. is the love between the two strong enough to keep them together. It might turn in a mpreg, we'll see how it goes.

  • Love is Harsh but Yields Great Treasures

    I'm not good at summaries but There is a lot of love, hurt, pain, and comfort. Sirius's soul mate is Luke and Harry is soul mates with Severus and Lucius. There's mpreg. Harry is pregnant Luke was but lost the baby and talks about it but later on he'll get pregnant with Sirius and not Percy. Percy is the traitor and Luke is good. Voldemort aligned with Kronos (Chronos) and Percy.

  • Harry Potter's twin goes home Accompanied by the Cullens

    Harry Potter has a twin, Her name is Niavias. After the battle that occurred in the chamber of secrets She tells Harry and her friends she's going for a walk and wants to be alone. Something happens but Niavias loses her memory adopted by the Cullens and the gains her memory back but its her third year and the Cullens go to Hogwarts with her.