Mystical Pen

  • White Veil

    She was not the kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion. But then again, Draco was not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl. Clearly, stereotypes were too mainstream. So now it was time to step up, yell 'Cut' and put a stop to the most horrible acting job to ever grace the Wizarding World. Thank Merlin for frizzy-haired bookworms.

  • First and Last

    One night can change the course of two people's lives. Both Harry and Hermione learned this the hard way when the two of them had a wonderful night together, only to find out the next morning that everything was just a mistake...

  • Keep Your Mind Wide Open

    It took Jesse Aarons more than a decade to get over Leslie Burke's death. Now a successful illustrator for children's books, what would Jess do if he met an author who, in his opinion, uncannily looks like what Leslie would have looked like if she had lived? Would some truths about the past be uncovered? Or would it all end up as nothing but a cruel joke played by Fate?

  • The League of Demigods

    Times in the mortal world are getting more and more dangerous everyday. The mortals can no longer protect themselves, and with more people dying everyday, life and nature are now imbalanced. So, in order to save the Earth, Zeus formed a group of demigods to protect the mortals. Will the League be able to save the world? Or will the force against them win and cause the end of it?

  • Hooked

    Hermione first met Draco when he came running into the hospital she worked in and involved her in the big puzzle that was his life. Since then, she'd gone to find the missing pieces of the jigsaw of his identity. And with this, she had succeeded. But instead of solving only his puzzle, she found out that most of his pieces were also meant to solve the mystery of her own identity.

  • The Other Way Around

    "Oh no, you don't. You're not gonna walk out of this with that smirk. It'll be the other way around." Then, without waiting for any response from Draco, she clutched at his collar and pulled him, placing her lips once more against his...

  • Cupid's Game Board

    "You have to make the Head boy fall in love with you." That was the consequence that Hermione had to do because she lost a bet with Ginny. She had to do it or else she'll feel the wrath of FATE. Unfortunately for Hermione, the Headboy was... Draco Malfoy.

  • Back To December

    A multi-chapter songfic based on Back To December by Taylor Swift. The song speaks for the story. A James/Lily fic. Please Read and Review. No flames please.

  • Welcome to the Black Parade

    A song fic written for a challenge. Harry's moments with the most important people in his life before he went to the forest and gave himself up to Voldemort. Please R&R! One-shot!