Sorcerer's Scone

  • A Stumble in Time

    AU Post Battle of Hogwarts: Voldemort had a back-up plan. Harry, Ron, and Astoria are among the "Massacre of the Ministry" victims. For three years, Draco and Hermione try to pick up the pieces, but when Voldemort kills their parents, they look to time-travel to save them. But time is a fickle friend, and they don't make it all back.

  • Is This a Case, Shawn?

    Shawn's an extraordinary fake psychic, but after taking a Shot in the Dark there's only so many real cases he can do. How would he and Gus stay afloat while Shawn's out of commission? By solving a petty case in the most dramatic way possible. Mini-Casefic; I honestly just wrote this to see if I could write their back-and-forth banter properly.

  • A Sirius Summer

    A Stumble in Time companion story. Summary: What if Dobby offered to help Harry and Sirius live together after third year? Harry's POV, can be read independently.

  • The Future is Now

    Reboot fic. A jaded Hermione returns to the age of eleven to save the Wizarding World from extinction. Also posted on AO3 under SorcerersScone

  • Alec vs Alec

    We know that Alec eventually finds a way to put a com in people's heads. But there's another Alec out there, one that already knows how to get a voice in your ear.