Boudicca's Revolt

  • Things Once Beautiful

    This is a one shot set five months after Fred's death. It's a bit sad to be expected but has a bit of a turn up at the end. R&R! It starts with a really beautiful, sad poem by Conrad Aiken. READ!

  • Love Lives of the Messrs Potter

    Here we have brief snapshots of the love lives of the Potter men and Teddy starting with Albus. This takes place in the universe of my other fic A Good Boy. James Sr. 's part is now up! Rating is for innuendo.

  • The Free Agent

    Charlie gets a surprise from his long-time girlfriend Maureen. This surprise will change his life forever. I subscribe to the SU. R&R! 9th and final chapter now up-Mirela's wedding.

  • Slipping Through My Fingers

    This is just small snapshots in Percy and Lucy Weasley's relationship. Fifth and final chapter now up. Rating for some language. Please REVIEW!

  • Every Second Tuesday

    Someone is about to declare his love. He's not very good at it.

  • Heaven

    These are little blurbs about different characters entering heaven. Sirius is the first. Dumbledore is the second. Remus is third. Fred is fourth. REVIEW!

  • Halloween Punch

    Rose accompanies her cousin to his department Halloween party and she has a bit more fun that she had anticipated.

  • First Christmas

    First Christmas is a set of twelve of Molly's Christmas memories. This chapter takes place the December after Arthur died Read Killing Arthur Weasley. 12th and final chapter is now up! Enjoy and REVIEW!

  • Is My Team Ploughing?

    A companion piece to "The More Loving One" and "Things Once Beautiful", this story takes place 5 years after the Last Battle; it's about George's thoughts on his and Angelina's relationship. It's set to a poem by A. E. Housman, from "A Shropshire Lad".

  • The True Break

    What really spurred the infamous nose breaking at Ariana's funeral? Here's a small, little vignette about Albus' turning point.

  • A Painful Truth: What Could Have Happened

    So. . . I thought I'd add to the milieu of "Sirius takes guardianship of Harry" au fics. Warning, this will not have a disneyfied ending though there might be some warm and fuzzy moments; tenth chapter is now up; It's Summer! REVIEW!

  • Killing Arthur Weasley

    Arthur's chat with the Grim Reaper

  • A Good Boy

    Harry has a hunch that the curse that nearly killed his son did not come from a potions book but someone . . . but who. The Epilogue is now up. REVIEW!

  • The More Loving One

    Okay, here's a little Christmas ditty. It's a sister story to my other: Things Once Beautiful. Enjoy! Oh, and by the way, I enabled anonymous reviews I had never meant for them to be disabled! Cheers and Merry Christmas.