IJ writes

  • All Trails Lead Home

    Slight Timeskip from Two Little Butterflies. Life moves on, and as the Tortuga Crew settles into life with their daughters, there are some regular domestic hijinks along the way. Child OCs, Kate Corcovado, Ayla Bainbridge. CW: mentions of past child abuse and neglect

  • Stolen Moments

    RenePaige Several one-shots, probably from a bunch of different AUs that I come up with, bear with me folks. Just tender moments with Beck and Paige, adding up his guilt at the lies he builds up and her doubts about her allegiance, with Tron glaring down his nose at the seductive threat in his and Beck's lives. RatedT for slight suggestiveness...and Kissing.:P XD(covr pic not mine)

  • All Trails Lead Home

    First a team, and then family; amid the evolution of the Kratt brothers' relationships with the team, a new threat appears. A threat that has been following them for years without them even knowing. Sequel to Two Little Butterflies. OCs, Marki, Caviva. Warnings inside.

  • Peace and Insanity

    'The man placed the axe firmly in his hands, eyes dark, 'There's a fine line between insanity and peace, boy. Every true warrior must find it if he's to hope to survive. Find it, or the fears will make the choice for yeh.' Snotlout messes up royally again and has to spend the summer paying for it. Strangely, he finds an ally that's more helpful than anyone would have thought.

  • One-shot: Dirty Dishes

    When living in a family with several members, regular chores are divided up to keep the children from feeling that their parents are being unfair. E.i. when it comes to washing dishes after a meal, the whole thing becomes a family affair to keep one person from being left alone in the kitchen with the burden of everyone's dirty dishes. Doesn't always work, though. 2012 angst/fluff

  • Dirty Dishes

    When living in a family with several members, regular chores are divided up to keep the children from feeling that their parents are being unfair. E.i. when it comes to washing dishes after a meal, the whole thing becomes a family affair to keep one person from being left alone in the kitchen with the burden of everyone's dirty dishes. Doesn't always work, though. 2012 angst/fluff

  • Finding New Hope

    In the aftermath of Argon's destruction, Beck is weighed with guilt from his inability to save his City. Going out on his own, he learns to master the Outlands and becomes an valuable asset to the Revolution in Tron City...But in the process is caught in debt to Zuse. To pay him back, Zuse pairs him with the last person he thought he'd see again: a vengeful Paige after the Renegade