L33t Horo

  • SwordHogwarts

    EMIYA got send to another world by some unknown way, now he will start a new life, but... will he ever stop being a hero?

  • Watashi no chīsana ponī yūjō wa tsuyo-sa

    Naruto is send to Equestri by an accidental discharge of magic... due to Pinkie Pie's... Pinkie PIe-isms... now he has to adapt to this new world, or will he look for a way back home?

  • Infinite Stratos Blade

    Shirou Emiya was trying to go to school, since his old one was badly damaged and thus had to take an exam, however he accidentaly came across an IS and managed to activate it... now he is being shipped to the IS academy

  • Devil survivor Stay Night

    Having basically 0 social life Fujimura Taiga arranges for Shirou to have a transfer into the big city of Tokyo. however he is now thrust into the war of survival of humanity

  • Fate Unleashed

    Shirou Emiya wishes to be an ally of justice, so he decides to take matters on his own to do what the 'super heroes' won't... he will cross the line they wont for the safety of all... and if any should try to stop them... he will show them who he is... the Wrought Iron Magus... Sealing Designee Emiya