Violet Saphira Darling

  • Sonny Corleone

    Sonny Corleone, a man with an all-consuming fury and wrath that everybody fears. It is in Sonny's nature to kill those who hurt his family, but it is also against his nature to beat someone who is helpless...or even someone who refuses to fight back. A poem about death, revenge, pride, and family.

  • Tricked into Love

    This is Tom Riddle Sr.'s story. Also known as Voldemort's father. This is his story, and how Merope Gaunt fed him love potion...and how he was tricked into love...

  • Birth at the Orphanage

    "Riddle…His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle." These were Merope Gaunt's last words. One-shot about her coming to the Orphanage to give birth to Tom Riddle. From Mrs. Cole's POV matron of orphanage .

  • Power and Talents

    One-Shots of Tom Riddle at the Orphanage. He terrorized the other children, when he lived at the orphanage, and he stole their possessions. He bullied them,and he learned that he could make strange things happen... Enjoy! Review please.