
  • Eternity

    PREQUEL/TIE-ALONG TO BROKENNESS! Every choice made has it's consequences, the same rings true even of immortals. And in the last moments one comes to make things right by the one he loves the most (Blatantly Implied young!UndertakerxOC with a little bit of Grell) This one will be multi Chapter.

  • Raining on the Inside

    Written for the prompt "Rain". When two of Hellsing's youngest officers go on a mission together on a rainy day, they find comfort in each other. (hints of OCxOC, and past Walterx?)

  • Brokenness

    In the lowest point in one shinigami's life, heartache is laid out to mask a truth that may mean trouble for all their kind.(implied past SebxOC) one shot. (due to requests for them, this has a sequel AND a prequel in the works)

  • Harry Potter fanfiction

    what if James Potter Had a TWIN sister who married Severus? What if they had a child about the same age as Harry? what if they gave her up and she returned? this is the story of that woman.