
  • 5 Avengers and a Baby

    This is another Baby Steve fanfic because I think Baby Steve is soooo adorable. This story is based off of the Avengers characters from the movies, but doesn't necessarily follow any sort of Marvel timeline. It's just simply an on going story of how the Avengers would care for a little baby and the cuteness and fluff that is sure to follow.

  • Cold Sacrifice

    Newly polished and revamped - just cleaned up the dialogue and added in a few details since this was one of my earlier fics. Steve and the team are sent on a mission that forces him to face the arctic once again. Not only must he push past his fears with the cold, but he must come to grips with his past. Rated T

  • If the Avengers were a Sitcom

    Have you ever wondered what the Avenger's every day life would be like? The randomness and ridiculousness that might happen everyday? How do Cap and Thor react to tech? What if Clint/Natasha double date with Tony/Pepper? What happens when all the boys go camping? When they play paintball? The target range? The possibilities are endless. Set after Avengers 1, before TWS. Rated T

  • Versus

    Tony is kneeling on the ground, facing an opponent he never thought he would ever have to go against. Even with his armor, his flight advantage, and all his weaponry, he knows this fight is not going to be an easy win. Hell, there is a good chance he'll lose, but he's got to try. Everything hinges on him winning for both him and the man he has to fight: Captain America. Rated T

  • Don't Wake Me (Captain AmericaAvengers)

    Steve is seriously injured in an attack by the Chitauri. In critical condition w/ the Super Soldier serum suppressed by an alien toxin, Cap's team pushes him to fight, but fighting means rejecting the dream he's living. If Steve stays asleep he gets to live the life he never had with Peggy, but to wake up will tear that dream apart. Will Steve choose his team or the woman he loves?

  • Young America

    "Tell me, Captain, how much do you love your team?" She asks "Lady, if you touch any of them." Steve threatens "Oh Captain, you misunderstand me," Amora interrupts. "It is quite obvious that you care a great deal about your team. But just how much are you willing to give up for them? "I would give everything for them," Steve says without hesitation. "Perfect" she smiles. Rated T

  • A Friendship Begins

    Ongoing story of how Steve finds his way in a new world and the teammates that he learns to trust and protect. Steve centered and Steve!Whump. No slash. Strictly bromance and friendship. **This was my first fan fic and I am going to update it and tweak it soon and work on the writing.