

  • Taking Lives, Deceiving Hearts

    Even he wasn’t sure if this was right. Was he really capable of this deception? It was so ironic to him that he had taken so many lives, but he felt guilty. He wasn’t taking someone’s life, he thought. He was deceiving someone’s heart. DMHG. Please R&R!

  • By Some Cruel Twist of Fate

    Someone is reading Hermione’s diary, and through that information, a series of practical jokes befall her…all from Draco Malfoy. However, something happens that Draco isn’t counting on: LOVE. R&R! DMHG! CHAPTER 6 FINALLY UP.

  • Waiting to Save You

    There are things Hermione knows about Draco that can never be revealed...and Draco knows more about Hermione than her friends do. Will memories of their past bring them closer together or just farther apart? Please read & review!

  • The Labyrinth of Love

    Hermione and Ron find themselves stuck in a Labyrinth. The thing is, as they get deeper and deeper into the labyrinth, they begin to fall deeper and deeper in love. CHAPTER 14 FINALLY UP! Please r&r!

  • In Between Love and Hate

    COMPLETE!The Callixtus Bond forces Draco and Hermione to spend every single day with each other--at least until they learn to get along...how long do they have to be bound by the charm?or will they even break it?R&R

  • Beautiful Soul

    Hermione and Ron wondered what would happen once they’d leave Hogwarts. They know that this is the year to make changes, to do things they've always wanted, including confessing their love for a certain someone.(It’s a one-shot)

  • HalfHearted Hate

    LilyJames fic, [one-shotsongfic]..."Typical James, wanting to be the center of everyone’s attention all the time. Most of the time, although I never let him know, he managed to catch mine."

  • Maybe

    Songfic of Punk Rock Princess (one-shot) (dmhg) please R&R.

  • Never Had To End This Way

    [One-shot] DracoHermione...They found themselves in bliss. They were happy, Hermione silently crying, half-sadness, half-joy, and Draco…Draco couldn’t find the words to say how he felt, for love was an indescribable feeling.