
  • What our sacrifice was for

    Un Akon x Hiyori fluffy et chou. Les Children of Science ont besoin de plus d'amour!

  • Days gone by

    The barricade wouldn't last forever, it was already a poor defense. If Grantaire had believed in a higher power he would have said that the barricade had only lasted so long because of a divine miracle. As it was, he believed in nothing other than the blood, sweat and tears that had built it.

  • All I ask of you

    Sa respiration était calme et régulière, mais Akon aurait préféré qu'elle ne le soit pas. Il aurait préféré des râles, des signes de lutte, n'importe quoi à part le bruit de la machine, horriblement et cruellement rythmée, la seule chose qui semblait maintenir Hiyori en vie.