Harry has a twin. A twin who will do anything to protect Harry. Harrymione, OCXDiaryHorcrux, Darkbutgood!OC, Good!Harry, Light!Trio, Gryffindor!Trio MostlyGoodButStillFlawed!Albus Rated T for abuse. Reviews, no matter the kind, are welcome! One slash relationship. DEADFIC. Message me for adoption!
The GAang, along with a mysterious stranger, are transported to the Familiar of Zero universe! Rated T for violence, hostage taking, and maybe a little bit of torture later on. Chapter 1 & 2 have some spelling errors. DEADFIC. Adopted by LZW
Oneshot about a teenager in EVE. First post, so no flames please. T for violence. Reviews are always welcome! Up for adoption and/or continuation!