

  • Chess Peices

    Emma grapples with the terms and conditions of saving Regina's life. Written for Day Five of Swan Queen AU Week: Evil!Emma

  • Untitled Red Beauty Fic

    Red explains why her friendship with Belle needs to be different this time around. slight Red/Belle (Red Beauty)

  • Regina 20

    E.M.M.A searches the wreckage of Trafftech for many months. (Robot!SwanQueen AU)

  • Home

    Songfic: Emma and Zelena like to get drunk and go on broomstick rides around Storybrooke sometimes... (Emma/Zelena, Wicked Swan crackfic ahead)

  • New World War

    When Ash starts acting weird and leaves Middleford CID, Scribbs is confronted with her collegue's biggest secret. Afraid of losing her friend in a magical war, she follows Ash to Hogwart's where she finds her family has its own hidden history... Eventual Ash/Scribbs, slight AU, Femslash, character death, spoilers for all seven books and both series of the show.

  • Being With Emma

    Being with Emma could be tougher than even Regina had imagined.

  • Better this Way

    When Emma breaks off the unusual arrangement with her ex wife, the two women have the one discussion they should have had when they were still married. Swan Queen/Remma (Emma/Regina) Femslash

  • Rose of the Hogwarts Castle

    Ginny has a weird dream. Utena crossover. Femslash. LunaGinny UtenaAnthy

  • No Strings Attatched

    Ginny forms a boyband called Second Thought to get Hermione's attention at a talent show. Femslash. Unrequited HermioneGinny and surprise ff kiss.

  • The Bogart's Rejection

    This is a missing scene in The Prizoner of Azkaban, where Hermione has to face the bogart in Lupin's class. Lesbian themes.

  • Mirror Mirror

    This is a story I wrote a long time ago before all of my femslash. When Ginny finds the Mirror of Erised, she tries to figure out just what she wants. GinnyHarry

  • By the Power of the Cookie

    Luna and Ginny discover Chinatown. Femalsh warning: Ginny/Luna

  • Do It Again

    It was addicting. There was absolutely nothing she would ever be able to do to stop from succumbing to these needs, to beg at the knees of her giver. It would never be enough. Never. Femalsh Warning: Ginny/Luna

  • Light And Dark

    Trying my hand at Pansy/Luna, this story is about the differences between the two, not that it really matters to them. Femslash warning

  • Moonlit Ride

    Pansy meets Luna for the first time. Femslash Warning: slight Pansy/Luna

  • Homecoming

    Sequel to Home Sacrificed. Pansy has paid the price bestowed upon her in order to set her love free, and now it is time for a new life. Femslash warning: Pansy/f

  • In Between the Seasons

    Luna reflects upon the changing of the seasons. Femslash! Ginny/Luna

  • Happy Birthday Myka

    Helena spends time with Myka on her birthday. Angst and character death.

  • Howling Grief

    Helena deserved to know, and Claudia hated to be the one to tell her. Character Death! (possible prequel to Happy Birthday Myka)

  • Day of the Dead Kids

    In this AU, Emma Swan is a medium who is haunted not only by the living impaired, but by her own past. (pre Swan Queen, meaning should I actually get around to a sequel that is where the pairing goes)