

  • Ain't Nothin' In The Universe Like Me

    Rocket Raccoon has always felt alone in this big, wide universe, being the only of his kind. But when The Infinity Stone changes Peter Quill's molecules, Rocket finds a companion…a talking raccoon, just like him. RocketxPeter Raccoon!Peter Rated T

  • Better Than Eleven Percent

    Rocket has always had a hard time trusting people. But when Rocket and Peter have to share water by showering together, can our favourite raccoon open up to our captain of The Guardians? RocketxPeter Pocket SLASH Rated M. R&R!

  • Feathers Of The Same Crow

    After Breezepelt goes into exile, Jayfeather finds his half-brother wounded in ThunderClan territory. Jayfeather decides to help heal his brother back to health, despite his better judgement. But why does Jayfeather feel compelled to help the cat who hates him so? And why does Breezepelt stare at him like that? Post-"LastHope" JayBreeze Rated T R&R!

  • The Power Of Love

    Harry Potter finds a crying 3 year old in the Forbidden Forest and decides to look after the child. But what will Harry do when he discovers that he is looking after his greatest enemy? Harry adopts Tom fic. Harry/Tom. Post-HBP.