
  • Signs

    Malfoy Sr's family has been missing for some years. Signs leads him to a muggle insane asylum. There he meets a boy named Hackney. Who is he? And can he help Lucius find his family? Contains sexual and physical abuse, religion and caracther death

  • The Black Umbrella

    Slash SS/RH!Response to my own challenge.Ignore HBP.Severus loves Hagrid, and Hagrid is about to discover it...Read at own discretion.

  • Sawdust

    Every title is from The Killers album Sawdust. There are different themes, and different songs. Some are AU, some aren't. Response To Jillie Beans Song and Dance challenge.

  • To The Dancefloor

    It wasn't wise. It changed everything. And just how did the vampire change the very life of one Harry Potter and the end of the war? Rated for sexual content, Voldemort/Bella. AU

  • True Names

    If you don't remember your name, how far are you willing to go to get it back? And if you know another mans name but can't tell it without telling your own, will you tell him his name? Set after Goblet of Fire.

  • The Howl

    Humans do not treat their own kind well. Furious by what he sees, Fenrir makes a promise to a bound human child who's destiny is war.

  • A Matter of Souls

    Sometimes our lives and plans don't go as we hope. This is basic human knowledge, but we always forget. As is this ancient secret has been. Accidental HP/DM and incest in the first chapter!

  • Bleeding Butterfly

    She is clutching the necklace he gave her, hoping that it will not transform into what it once was. Cho/Cedric

  • Character Torture

    What does a fanfiction writer do when he/she is upset? They write things like this. Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Rubeus Hagrid and Voldemort/Bellatrix.

  • Dream

    It's the best for a long time

  • Special Hugs

    One night Tom Riddle sees something strange. Slughorn refuses to explain what the young student saw, but Dumbledore doesn't...

  • My Serrin

    Written for a thread on SoC. What Serrin means to me. What her hopes are, her motivations.

  • Media Luna

    Series of oneshots about Harry Potter and Severus Snape, and their relationship. A mixture of canon and AU fics.

  • So Easy

    When he did, his illusion broke into shards of a mirror.

  • Something to Teach

    "Isn't it strange? How incredibly easy it is to murder someone? Many say that it's hard. It is not, when the time deems it necessary."

  • They Sing for You

    Because he is responsible, just as Harry is responsible, Bellatrix Lestrange and above all, so is Voldemort.

  • The missing link

    Draco don't get it, but Harry does.

  • Marvolo The Deathless

    Tom Riddle always tries to stay up as long as possible at nights.

  • My bliss

    Draco/Severus slash. Draco loved Severus, who in turn loved Lucius, and did not care. A certain friendship with Harry Potter didn't help at all. Involves caracther death and mentions of sex and alcohol. AU

  • If you had seen before

    Song fic. I re-wrote Crash Test Dummies famous song. Implied child abuse.