

  • Secret Valentine

    if you're in need of some keenler feels during this long and cold hiatus, read it. Liz and Ressler are unknowingly setup by Aram and Meera.

  • Halcyon

    Liz starts taking the steps towards getting a clean start and making peace with herself after Tom. But circumstance won't allow her to get rid of Tom completely. Chap.8 is UP!

  • Thanks For the Memories

    After her father's death, a reckless get away and unexpected heartbreak, Clarke heads back to California to complete her medical degree and attempts to start over. But what happens when she finds out that the one who broke her heart goes to the same institution she does, sharing an elective or two together. (I suck at summaries so this is subjected to change).

  • Blue Nights By The River

    Clarke has a safe haven that no one knew about. It was the only place where she found peace and found it in herself to have a little more faith that everything will be fine. Chap 6 up!