Lex Complex

  • Confection Confessions

    Chocolate is an essential part of the Valentine tradition. (Drabble collection)

  • I'm Glad We Didn't Listen

    A pitcher who couldn't throw and a fielder who couldn't catch—Jun and Tetsu never claimed to have gotten on the first string out of sheer talent. The memories of their freshman days are stained with disappointments, and lots of cussing on Jun's part. (The story of Tetsu and Jun's first year in Seidou - loosely based on Chapter 146 of the manga.)

  • Some Things Just Make Sense

    He thinks volume equals confidence and assumes every headache is the symptom of a brain tumor. Really, he's an idiot, and Chris is also sort of an idiot for putting up with him, if only because "Eijun Sawamura-Takigawa" has a nice ring to it, even if they'll never see it printed in an official marriage certificate. (Chris and Eijun living together; AU one-shot)

  • Suddenly Bats and Balls Mean Something Else

    Eijun's at that point in his life where hormones take over his brain and he starts seeing his friends and his teammates in a different light. A collection of short one-shots featuring various Eijun pairings. LATEST CHAPTER: "a little bit crowded" (Wakana)

  • Shot Through the Heart

    In which Apollo tries to kill Love but ends up taking him home instead. ONESHOT.

  • Even Heroes Need Saving

    Gen. They always end up crying just when they're about to say goodbye. In which Eijun's junior high friends greet him "Happy Birthday" but it has the reverse effect. (Written for Sawamura Eijun's birthday)